Chapter 42

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Just when we walked in very loud music hit our ears. We were not expected to see what we saw.
"I don't think its a bar" Kat said  we all node
"They should be somewhere over there" Bella said pointing the the section where they had vip zone with a chairs and couches
"How do you know?" I said
"I noticed it on the video"
Girls were dancing in their underwear everywhere, and male kind were putting money into their underwear
"I see them" Jane said. Lets take that table on the corner so we can spy on them
"Hope I am having a girl and she will never see this"Angela said
We took table on the corner where we could spot boys very well. Nick was sitting with Bellas ex and Janes boyfriend. Alex was next to Nicks cousin and David drinking something. He was not very happy.
Everything looked fine exact for the fact that they were in this club.
"I will get us drinks" Kat said
She was back with a waitress who had bunch of drinks.
"Thanks pretty face" Kat said. We all looked at her. When the girl left and Kat sat down we were still staring at Kat
"What, you want them to know we are girls?" She said taking a shot

Nicks cousins got up and went to barman telling him something.
"Just look at them" Jane said taking a shot of vodka
"I am so glad I dumped this idiot" Bella said took a shot of tequila 
"I want to go dancing" Kat said said putting down some other shot of alcohol
When she was about to get up me and Bella grabbed her hand and pulled her down "Sit" we both said

Few min later 6 very tall girls in latex outfit came up to boys. one of the girls sat on Bellas ex boyfriends lap
"I am so going to kill him" Bella said putting her shot down
We all looked at her "What? Look at your boys"
The girl walked to Nick and said something to his ear, the other girl was pulling Janes boyfriend to the dance floor, David got pulled to the dance floor too, The other girl was kissing Nicks cousin, while Alex was still looking at his drink ignoring everything.
" Just wait I will through you a party tonight. The one you will remember for the rest of your life" Jane said while Kat was laughing
"And he is a father of my child, close your eyes dear, you don't need to see this" Angela said
"Yulia you are lucky, he is ignoring that tall blond" Kat said just when she said that they blond girl tool a sit at his lap like he was a chair and took his drink and brought it to her lips drinking the rest from the cup.
I was mad, mad.. I wanted to go there and pull that doll off of hi.
"i will kill him" I said eating up. This time Kat and Bella pulled me down. I grabbed the biggest cup off the tray and in a sec drinker it all.
But when the girl lean forward to kiss Alex I couldn't hold anyone and got up taking another shot and playing it down"I am not going to look at this like that. Are we going to do anything?" Oh no, I think I am drunk how
"we need to see if they will be loyal to us" Jane said getting another shot
Few min later I felt like I am got drunk.. it wasn't a good thing because I don't drink and God knows what can happen

David and Janes boyfriend came back from dancing... The girl which was next to Nick started to kiss his neck while he was laughing. Angela stood up, got a sip of water and started to walk to the boys table and we all got up.. Oh no, I am getting dizzy but we need to followed Anegela

"Girls no blood please I promised JJ. Do whatever you need to do outside" Kat said

You should of seen when we all stood infant of the boys table with our hands folded together.

"What are you doing here" they all said except for Alex and Nicks cousin who was busy kissing a girl

I look at Alex like I was about to kill him.

"honey its not what you think." Nick said
"Honey, are you gay?' Girl said with disgusted face
Angela just gave him a look and started to walk to the exit Nick followed her like a puppy

"You know I will kill you at home right" Jane said
"No, please. I wanted to stay at home. Drake made me come here" He said getting up from his sit and walking to Jane "Please forgive me"
She ignored him and also walked to the exit

"I crashed your favorite car" Bella said
"No, how could you" Bellas boyfriend ran to the exit while Bella followed him

"I guess I will go too" Kat said

I was still looking at Alex, my head was so dizzy 
He looked at me and than at his drink. Ignoring me, again...

"I will go with you" I said to Kat and we both left the bar.
"Let me give you a ride" David said
"Take her a ride, she has a crush on you for years" Kat said with a laugh
Dvid looked surprised

I looked at Alex but he was still looking at his cup

"Lets just go home, we all drunk"
We decided to take Kat first and then me. I hated this feeling inside. I was so drunk.

David was so quit
"Why are you too so quit, feels like I am a third wheel over here" Kat said
I was so drunk all I wanted is to lay down on my bad

We dropped Kat first.

"Is it true?' David finally said
"What?" I said
"That you have a crush on me for years"
"I guess I had back in the days"
"How about now?" He said
"I don't know" I said my head its spins so bad.

Kat house was very close to mine so it took use 5 min to get to my house. When David pulled over it was 1:00 am

Opened the door to come out
"I will help you" He said
"Nope, thanks" he ran to my side and when I was about to fall he caught me.
"You are drunk" he said
"I am" I said looking into his eyes.

His eyes were warm and nice but something inside of me was different. He is holding me in his hands and I feel nothing, absolutely nothing. My heart beats normal

He leaned forward but I moved my face so he kissed my cheek

"Good night David. We have a long day tomorrow"
"You are right"

"Good night" I said making first few fat reps to the house

"Night" he said leaning against the door of his car

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