Chapter 37

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"Hi David, nice to see you back in town" said Nicks cousins coming from the kitchen with drinks for us.
"Yes. I got invited to Nicks wedding" said David. Because our families were very close David knew my causing Angela and our friends. Angela and I went to different schools, but we lived very close.

"You invited David" I said very quietly to Angela
"Sorry, we had a big fight about guests and he made his own guess list and I made my own. Don't worry you are on my side"
"Hope Annabel is not coming" I said
"Hope so too" Angela said.
Angela hated Annabel because she was so mean to everyone including me and always flirted with her first crush.

"What are you two talking about" Kat said looking at her phone first and then putting it a side
"Nothing" I said
"Should we invite David to our table?" Jane said
"Yes, lets do it. I already feel bad because of someone" Bella said looking at me
"You hoo David" Kat got up and waved to David who was talking to Nicks cousin. He turned and saw Kat "Come join us" he looked at us spotted me and smiled
Great. I am trying so heard to stay away from him and every time something happened and he is around me
"Hi girls" David said coming to our table
"Sit with us, we are really lonely" Kat said being flirty.. This girl...
"I can only stay for a little" David said, getting a chair from another table
"Why? Its only.... (She looked at her phone) 2:50 and its Saturday" Kat said
"I promised Nick to pick up something and meet him at 4" he said.... He turned and looked at me.
"Please don't tell me you guys are having  Bachelor Party" said Jane
"What? No!" David said
"Just look at him, yes they do. I know when you boys are lying " Kat said
"Nick promised me that there will be no Bachelor Party" Angela said getting mad
"We are meeting for the game Angela I promise"
"What game? There is no game tonight" Bella said checking her phone
"We are going to watch soccer" David said
"Since when you boys like soccer" Jane said
"i don't know, we just don't  have anything cool to do like you guys" David said
Bella is still looking at her phone "There is no soccer game tonight"
"Guys give him a break. I trust Nick. He loves you Angela and I don't think one night with his friends will change anything" I said to Angela
David looked at me ..... silence
"You know what, you are right. I will call Nick and tell him to invite Alex too" Angela said
"Alex is here with you?" David said like he just got back from his own world.he didn't sound too happy
I ignored him and turned to Angela "When did he got into this conversation, I meant that Nick would...?"I said
"Honey I trust him and he seems like a good boy who wont pick something trashy to do with his life" She said looking at David...
"Its getting interesting" Kat said getting her phone out and recording
"Who is Alex girl?" Jane said looking mad at me
"Her handsome boyfriend you met this morning" Angela said getting up and walking toward exit with her phone
Jane, Bella and Kat frozen. Their jaw felt down...
I took a sip of my water and waited for them to come back a life.. it took 2 sec
"WHAT" all of them screamed at me
"That handsome muscles is your boyfriend" Bella said
"The one, that looks like a perfection in this ugly world, how did you got a boy like him with the face like yours" Kat almost screamed at me
"Ouch Kat that hurts"
"And I gave him my boyfriends number" Jane said
Pause... we were all started to laugh while David was sat at his chair not understanding of whats happening

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