Chapter 9

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Dear diary I am finally having a girl day. Alex went to one of his friends for the weekend and left a message on the fridge. I haven't talked to him about last night, hope he is okay.

10:20 am going to the spa

"Hey Yulia"- said Ann
She has been waiting for me in the spa. She is wearing blue top and white pants.

I went comfy stile. Found my black yoga pants from Victoria Secret collection and a t-shirt which I bought in Miami which said "Take me to Miami"

"Morning pretty face" I gave her a big hug and we followed one of the workers.

I love spa, and I wish I had more money so I could own my own spa. (Poor people problems lol)

We spend great day at the spa, got massages done and after went to nail salon and got our nails done. We both work too much so we do deserve day like this. I got basic pink nails done while Anne went with her red nails.

The hair salon was right next to nail salon so Anne decided to stop there and get her hair done. I don't like hair salons that much. My hair always in a ponytail or braid.

"What should I get?' -Anne said looking through magazine. The place was packed but I knew the owner cause we did their catalogs and make their webpage. After our ad people flagged their salon so I got my 50% off of anything I or my friend would wanna get.

"I don't know, isn't that ambre style is popular?"

"Girl, its like last year thing" -Anne not even looking at me  "Found it, I want bob"

"Don't you dare, your hair is too long, your husband will kill me and you"

"Relax, we will be fine"

"Hello ladies, my name is Maxx and if you ready we can start"- tall and very skinny guy was standing infant of us. He was waring his black shirt with logo that my company created for them"

Anne looked at me with sparkles in her eyes

"No" I said looking at her. I know what she is thinking about

"Okay, follow me" Maxx said

I set at my chair and grabbed one of the magazines that was on the table.
Someone is going to have a very long talk with her husband. Hope Max won't kill me for letting her do it.

"Excuse me" tall girl interrupter me from my thoughts

I raised my eyes and saw a tall girl, she was like a model. Perfect makeup which I always adore but never wear cause I don't like makeup and pretty long hair. She looked like she can be next Victoria secret model.


"If you are ready I can take you" 

"Oh, dear I am here with my friend. I am good"

"Are you sure? I don't want to be rude but your hair so beautiful I wish I could make it prettier for you"

"You are not rude, you can tell me truth my hair is like bird nest but I really don't care, but thanks for the affect"

Her face turned so sad like I hurt her feelings

"Yulia just do it! Ones for so many years show us how sexy you can be"
Everyone looked at me. Hate Anne when she yells out what she thinks

I turned red

"Yeah Yulia just do it" an elderly lady said somewhere in the back

"Okay, I will try, but you won't cut your hair that short Anne"

The girls name was Silvia
"Great, follow me" Silvia said

We walked to her station and she pushed out brush and other hair products which I never knew existed.

She looked at my hair for a little then said

"Can I make permanent curls?"

I just wanted to answer when Anne ho was sitting next to me said "Do it, go for it, I will pay, just make her sexy"

"Cheese Anne, stop it"

"You don't want curls? I can keep it straight"

"Thats fine Silvia, you can do it just don't burn my hair, I kinda need it"

She smiled and ran into the other room

I spend 2 hours in hair salon getting my light beach waves done. Anne just cut her hair, she just did light highlights and some cuts at the bottom

2 hours later I looked at myself at the mirror and I looked so great. The hair was perfect wish I had better cloths on.

"You gotta let 28 hours to let it sit and you will see how amazing your hair is" Silvia said

"Thanks Silvia, thats great, I never knew my hair can look pretty"

"Yeah, I told you, you are sexy"

"Whatever" I said looking at Anne

I payed $100 for my hair and left Silvia another $200 for her work

After we left hair salon we went to eat at Cheesecake Factory.

The rest of the day we were shopping and later went to the club.

Anne made me wear pink dress she found for me from Guess and high heels from MK which I really adore. Who knew I will meet him there.....

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