Chapter 22

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Early update for amazing reader fashiondiva257 ❤️😘
Than you so much for reading🎇


After lunch which was very successful thanks to Alex we all went to the beach.

"Who wants to play volleyball?" Annabel

"Great idea" David said

"I am in"  James said

"I will join you guys in a little, Emily is on her way here, need to meet her"

"James where is your fiancé? We haven't met" Annabel

"She is in Europe right night"

"Sometimes I feel that you are lying to us about her"

"She is real Annabel, I will introduce you guys to her soon"

"Keep telling us that. Whatever. Lets go to the beach"

James looked down. He was standing next to me. Nathan just taped him on his shoulder and went outside with everyone else. Alex was right next to me

"Is everything okay James" I said

"Yes, everything is fine" James said looking at us but his eyes were so sad

"I know we hadn't talked in a wile but you know you can always talk to me."

"Yulia you never change. I just miss her, that all. Lets go, I want to play volleyball"

He quickly turned and left leaving me with Alex alone in the room

"I don't know what happened but I need to find out"

"Yuli leave him alone, he is a big boy he can figure out"

We walked outside, some were getting ready for the game and some of the guests were swimming

"So, what do you want to do?" I said looking at Alex

"I know" he took my hand and made me follow him

"We would like to play too" Alex said...

"Alex I cant play" I said very quietly to Alex

"Its okay, I don't know ether. It will be fun" he said with big smile

"Okay, than we have to split you two. Yulia you are in Davids team and Alex right? (Alex nod) you are in my team" Jacob

I looked like someone just took my toy away from me "Alex?"

"Its okay just trust me"


Alex went to Jacob who was telling who has to stay where.

"You are in my team" David said with a big smile

"I cant play so I wont be that happy about it"

"Thats fine" he said "I am glad you are here"

David was trying to explain the game for me and had me to stay on the left side while he was in the middle.

"Let the game begin" Said Jacob

Why do I feel like I heard this phrase before

Just when the began began Jacob started to serve... One ball and it almost hit my hand...

"We got a point" Annabel said standing opposite from Alex

"Yulia you can do this. I believe in you" James said sitting and watching the game

Next serve and I missed again

"Another point" Jacob said doing high five with Annabel

"You know there are people on this side also" Nathan said

"I cant do anything, my ball flies that way. Blame the gravity" Jacob said with a laugh

"Nathan switch with Yulia"

I switched with Nathan and Alex was on the opposite side of me

"Don't worry, you are doing great" Alex said.. who knew he can support someone like me

Jacob trows again and its flying to my side and when it was about to hit my face Alex jumps and hits the wall to the other side, where Nathan hits and the ball goes to the other side and hits the ground..

"One point goes to Tigers" David yelled out .. Annabel gets so mad

"Alex in which team are you?" Annabel yells out

"I don't want Jacob to break my girlfriends face. Its too precious" Alex said with a big smile on his face

It made me smile

Annabel was so not happy about it

David serve the ball and it flies to Annabel she hits and it goes out

David serve again and Alex grabs the ball before Annabel can hit that ball which would hit me and it flies to Leah gift from our school, she hits the ball and Jacob is about to grab it but it flies a little higher and we get abutter point

"Alex it was mine not yours"
"Oh sorry, I forgot" he gives me another smile

"Thanks" I said

The whole entire game Jacob and Annabel were aiming that ball at me but each and every time Alex saved me. At the end it was a tie, we were so tired that we decided to go swimming.

It was around 8 and the sun was slowly getting down

Girls screaming, their boyfriends trying to catch the.... And there was me and Alex who are standing at looking at this craziness and James who is staring at his phone taking pictures

"You know you guys are either not involve or too shy" James said

"What do you mean?" I said

"Just look at them and you. Show me some action" he said looking at his camera

"You want to see action" Alex said.. which scared me to death

He leaned down and lift me up  "What are you doing?" I said looking worried

"Hold on tight" he said and started to swing me....

"Alex" I said laughing like crazy "I will get dizzy"

"You are a free bird. You can fly" He said

"Alex" I couldn't stop laughing

When he got a little tires he slowly started to bring me down to the point when my lips were an inch away from his. Our smile changed into more serious face, My heard was beating like crazy... million questions were running in my head.... I really want to kiss him? No I probably just got dizzy and my mind goes crazy.

"Serious phone you had to die now" James said

He brought us back to reality. Alex put me down and we made both smiled

"let me go change my phone and we can continue on our photo shoot"

He ran to the house and we started to laugh like crazy...

I couldn't stand anymore because I was so dizzy so I played down on the sand.

Alex played right next to me

"Thank you" I said

He turned and set up on his right side of the body

"For what?"

"For being here with me" I said looking at the sky

"I had a great time" He said looking at me

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