Chapter 29

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Around 9 pm I got text message from Nathan

My dear friend Yulia. I am so thankful for letting me stay at your place. I am so sorry to tell you that I am not going to       stay with you guys today because my wife changed her mind about me. Anyway have a great night and don't have too much fun you still have your neighbors

This boy is so crazy. He should have played in the movies or something. Such a talent.

Around 10:00 pm I finally left my office. It was so creepy, dark and so not comfortable. Thank God we had security and lock on the doors. I hate doing my work at home, because I can get disturbed by basically anything

I was home at 10:45 cause the roads were almost empty....

I was falling a sleep so when I got home, I took my shoes off, locked the front door and felt a sleep in my cloths. Its not a good idea, but I had no strength to change.

Around 12:45 I learn loud noises and something falling and crushing.... I open my eyes a little and it was quit....

"Its just a dream" I told myself and went back to sleep

Just when I felt a sleep I heard someone cursing so bad... I opened my eyes again, and heard foot steps..

I said "Alex...Is that you?" No response

I got up, looked for something heavy, I spot mirror which was on the table that I got from Anna for New Year.

I slowly and quietly as possible opened the door and made few steps into the hallway, half way to the living room, I heard someone on the floor saying "Just breath please, Yuli is going to kill me"

I walked into the room turn on the lights and saw Alex sitting on the floor with hands presses to the chest of my  to my small toy dog (tell you a secret the toy looked really realistic, it walked on its own and barked if it hit something. But I don't remember turning it on. Mom got it for me so I wont feel lonely) ....

"Alex? Are you out your mind?" I said its 1 AM "And what are you doing to my dog"

"bringing it to life" he said with a handsome smile

"Toys can't breath" I said

"He can, come on buddy don't make me a killer" he said trying to get up

"wait, you said toy?"

"Yes, don't you see it a toy. Are you drunk?" I said looking how he almost felt into the couch next to him

"Maybe..." he said

"So you are"

"Maybe.." He said making few steps closer to me " I am" another step "Drunk" another step "In love" he said stopping an inch away from me

"That doesn't make sense" I said trying to make one step back

He took my hand and pulled me closer to him. Out body hit and because he was so tall he had to lean forward

"Why cant you fall involve with me." He said

Hear beats so fast and so quick. He moves closer and his lips brush against mine.. when he was about to kiss me I realized how sorry he will be tomorrow.... (or I will probably) so I pushed him away. Maybe because he didn't expect me pushing him.

"Alex go to sleep. You are drunk" I said folding hands together

He still made another step closer to me

"You know I am better than that David of yours, and I will prove it"

Of corse he is great, I mean he is so dreamy, so perfect but I know I am not his type. I don't want to be heart broken again...

"Really? How?"

"By bringing that dog alive" he said pointing to the dog

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lets put you to sleep" I said

Tomorrow you will be so embarrassed...
I took him to his room...

"Don't forget to change. You smell like alcohol" I said standing next to him

"You wont help me?" He said


"Fine" he started to unbuckle his shirt by looking at me... "like what you see?" He said taking off his shirt

I realized how stupid I was by staring at him. Who wouldn't he is so handsome. I promise I was looking at him not at his body and how few min ago his lips were brushing against mine

"No, sweet dreams " I turned to leave when he grabbed my hand and he pulled me into his bed

"only with you" he said hugging me like a teddy bear.... For drunk person he is very strong....

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