Chapter 7

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Dear readers please don't give up on my story I will try my best to make it better. Thank you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Boys Boys Boys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear diary I don't know what to do. Alex just yelled at me and left. He was mad not like mad mad but really mad at me. Maybe I should go find him? I don't remember anyone being made and me like that. No, I am not crazy its just his eyes. They were fun of anger and pain. Where do you think is he?

12:30 am

Dear diary I am scared. I hate being out after 10:00 and I don't care its summer I just don't feel comfortable. My street is not that safe but being in the bar with 100s of drunk people is not safer

-Hey pretty lady looking for company (Moe's Night) headed random drunk people voices

Ignore them Yulia just ignore and they won't talk to you again. I walked in and saw so many people are dancing and drinking.

-Yulia? (I hired woman voice behind me)

I was standing at the bar looking for Alex when I heard her voice Annabel White! Thats voice hunts me my whole life. I turned and faces her

-Hi (tried to give my best fake smile)

-Wow, never knew good girls come to these kinda places

-You know life goes on, its boring to be good all the time (Shut up Yulia, what on Earth are you saying)

She looked like a slug (proper word for her) long legs, super shirt skirt, open belly which showed how rarely she went to gym and her red bra sticking out. Her hair was bad as always. I hated her my whole life.

Fine, fine I am lying. She looks good in her mini skirt and short top. She has abs while I don't remember when I went to the gym. Don't you dare judge right now! You are only a paper! Fine, you are also my best friend so help!

She looked at me like she was shocked

-Interesting, never knew you will become bad. So hows life?

-Great (Not really) I have a good paying job, great boyfriend and finally bought my own house. You know independent lady.
(Lie, lie, lie........ I told you don't judge! Okay I don't have boyfriend, I haven't bought my house fully but hey I am paying mortgage. My job is a good paying but I get no life)

-Wow, never knew you would be good in anything

(I told you I hate her!!!)

Year 2007 my junior year

-Hey Yulia, headed you had an eye on my boyfriend

To make you better understand my situation I have to explain my flashback so Annabel White was the pretties girl in my grade. Boys were ruling when they saw her. Smart boys did her projects and homework while the playboys took her on the dates. She made fun of girls who were less fortunate in money or looks.

Se moved to my small city in middle school and made everyone adore her, even my poor parents did till I told them the truth.

-He only helped me with bio homework

Which was too. Actually David was my good friend but because he moved when I was in middle school she never met him. He moved back in high school and couldn't remember me after car incident.

Yes, you got it right I loved him. It all began in elementary. He was most generous boy in the whole entire world. He shared his lunch with me if I hated mine (I was a spoiled brat) shared his books with me when I forgot mine and always had an extra pen for me cause I was a mess.

-You need to do your project on your own. If you stupid get tutor, you parents are reach enough to get one for you.

-Does it mean you are stupid too if John and Sebastian are helping you with homework?

Oh no, that was a bad idea.

She got so mad, her whole face turned red. She raised her hand and hit me in the face

It hurt so bad.

Don't cry I said to myself. Don't you dare cry! Not here, not right now!

-Babe where are you? (We both looked upstairs where Davids voice was coming from)

-If you ever say anything to him, you will die (she dispersed to my ear)

She quickly ran upstairs

-I am here babe. (Smiling to him)

-Here you are. I heard Yulias voice were you talking to her?
Oh yes, I said I will help her next time so you won't be late to your practice

-I have the most amazing girlfriend in the world

(That fox face. Please David don't be a fool)

-Hey babe, where have you been I missed you. (I heard David voice)
Heartbeat.... Do I still love him? It can't be

-I was here talking to... (he interrupted her)

-Is this Yulia? (He had the most beautiful smile ever.)

-Hi David (I smiled)
Please don't come any closer or you will hear my heartbeat

-How are you? How is your life? Where have you been so many years

-I have been... (couldnt finish)

-Can you believe it she lives in the city now

-Yeah? Thats awesome. We are here for my job interview

-Thats great, good luck

Thanks. How about you join us at our table, we can talk about our school days, parties, proms, dates, lake trips
Honey, I think she doesn't want to talk about the past
Why? Best days of our life
You are are right.... Your life! I am sorry but I need to find my boyfriend. He said he is going to catch taxi while I will get my things. He probably waiting for me and worried.
How about you leave us your number and we can all get lunch or something while we are here

Annabel was not happy

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