Chapter 2

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July 22

Hello, there ! Today I received a letter saying that some girl wants to become my roommate, and I am very excited. We are going to meet in a cafe near my house, and my phone decided to die on me (story of my life), so I am running late.

I was supposed to meet her at 10:00, and now  its 10:45. I grabbed my bag and bagel and ran out of the house as fast as possible. 

Of course, I forgot my car keys and had to run back to my apartment. (complete mess I agree)  I feel that today everything is falling apart. My Jeep Ford was parked in the underground parking lot of my building. It is a royal blue color  car, so it's easy to spot it.  There was nobody in the parking lot, which was great.

I unlocked my car and got it. I started the engine and buckuled up.

With all this mess I had no time to eat so I had my bagel in my mouth cause my hands were on the wheel. y neighbor is this huge guy that can't fit into normal size car. I believe he is a football player. He owns this huge car that is 7 times bigger than my jeep. Even his windows are with this windows that super dark and you can not even see what's inside. Looks like he is bullet prove.  Because of that he was blocking all my view and I saw nothing that was happening on the right side of my car.

I checked the back as best as I could no one was there "Great I thought" and quickly like I am a fast car racer pulled back when I noticed some shadow was behind my car. I quickly pressed on my breaks and heard some "bum" Oh Dear God I hope its squirrel. I am not mean or anything but that's all I can think of. I am getting late and now this. I got out of my car and rushed to the back.

I saw a tall blondish brownish hair guy laying on the ground.

-Please don't die. ( I said with my hands shaking) 

My mind crazily repeated the same sentence over and over again " Check his pulse" 

He was so tall and handsome. I can't believe I just killed a good looking guy, all the girls in the world will ask for the death penalty for me for this. What to do? What should I do? SOS

I looked around to see if anyone saw what happened but no one was there. 

-You are breathing that's a good sign. Pulse is also okay. (Thanks to the summer camp where I worked when I was in college, I learned how to help people in emergency situations)

I ran back to my car to grab my phone when I came back I sat down on my knees and wanted to make a call but of course no such luck my phone was dead. Just when I put my phone on the ground  I heard his voice

-I am okay. Don't call 911.. (Yeah even if I wanted I couldn't)
He opened his beautiful blue eyes. He touched his hip and set up

-I am so sorry. I didn't see you there. I am so sorry.

-Woman (he said giving me a look)

-I am sorry I was in the rush. Those big cars were blocking my view. Do you need ice or anything? I can take you to the hospital. My car is right there. Of course, you know it's my car I almost killed you with it. I am really sorry. Can I help with anything ( I spoke so fast and probably sounded like a robot) 

-Can you shut up for a minute? I am having a headache

-I am sorry.
-All I need is ice. 
-Yes, sorry. I can help you to get up.
-I am good thanks. No need help from my killer.

He is so tall. I am sure he is somewhere 6.2 plus/minus
He had a white shirt from Armani  with big sigh of  Armani on it and a dark blue jeans with boots. He only needs a cowboy hat right now and I will fall involve. "Girl you almost killed him" voice in my head was having a breakdown.

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