"Arrrrrr, I don't know really" Paul tittered making Lou roll her eyes "Ummm they were all really great umm ok, oh right hmmmmm..... ok number four!"

"Yay number four is Louise!! Come on over Louise" Lou stepped away from the board that she had nearly leaned on. Nearly because if she had she would have toppled backwards, as it was only cardboard, so she found out as she clutched the side waiting for Paul to make up his bloody mind.

Lou stepped up and in between Paul and Dusty, audience members parting like the Red Sea for her.

The lads all in the doorway now, watching on, waiting to see how well Lou managed the limelight. John was curious 'cause Lou was so confident to his eyes, always ready to stand up for someone, always with a barbed comment if someone mocked, even strangers she would tell off if need be. John even went so far as to put his glasses back on, he didn't want to miss a second of this.

Why is Paul so close, geez he's bloomin' breathing in her ear. I'll have to nipple cripple him again, John mused to himself.

"Now Louise say hi to the audience" Dusty held Lou's shoulder gently, a squeeze of encouragement as Lou responded.

"Hi!!!!" Lou waved and grinned happily.... the audience all hey-ed, yelled hello and waved back with various degrees of enthusiasm.

"Now everyone, Louise here is a ring in, she knew she would win as she is a special guest for todays show. It's ok though all the girls will get a prize so everyone's happy, right?!?!"

Cheers echoed in Lou's ears and her fellow dancers were ushered to just in front of her.

"Louise, you already know the fellow standing behind you, don't you?" Dusty nodded to Paul, as he grinned over Lou's shoulder, Lou turned around.

"Yes, very well actually"

Yes she bonked him she should know him, intimately I'd say, John thought grumpily.....but not now so it's 'k I guess... though if he touches her again a cripple him....and more than his bloody nipple.

"Care to elaborate" Dusty teased as George, Richy and a solemn John walked across the room, wading through the throng of people toward Paul and Lou. John glanced up when he was just in front of the small stage. Lou hitting him with a dazzler, her smile wide. John stepped up pushing Paul to the back.

"Well you see I'm George's sister and John and I are..." Lou glanced back, letting John fill in the blank spot in the sentence, she was giving him an out if he so wanted and he knew it, he raised an eyebrow slightly in response to her hesitation.

Lou seemed to be watching the event unfold in some sort of out of body experience she could see the crowd George, Paul and Richy then John.... And off to the side Brian stood with Mal, a hint of a smile lifting the corner of his lips. Her fingers by her side shook and the ones laying in Johns hand jarred against his.

John was leaning in over Lou's shoulder, a blink and you miss it kiss on her cheek while he brought her hand up, a glimpse of shiny wedding band catching the light as the camera tacked over both him and Lou "Married. Lou and John, that would be me, are married"

The room was quiet for a second or two then girls screamed, hooted and hollered ..... yay's mixed with boo's and the roomful of vocal sound mixed into an inaudible hum of confusion to Lou's ears, as the audience pressed forward all eager to ogle the girl that nabbed the Beatle.

Dusty knew Louise was on stage to help compere the rest of the show as George's sister but she had no idea that this bombshell of information of John and Louise's was being dropped and her mouth hung open goldfish style in response.

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