Burn in Water, Drown in Fire ~39~ Catch Me

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~39~ Catch Me

“No one’s going with you to see you leave?” I asked Zac when we were parked outside my house as he dropped me off. We hadn’t talked about what happened at the beach, but he mentioned that his rush home was so he could get to the airport early. I knew it was a lie when it left his lips.

“Nope,” he answered. “I don’t want anyone to come.”

I didn’t ask him why.

“I guess this is goodbye then,” I said. He nodded and then before I could climb out of his car, he pulled me into a hug across the seat by my waist. We just stayed like that, but I had to admit that I wanted more than that.

“You made this the best last day here,” he whispered against my shoulder. With our fights and disagreements, I couldn’t believe him. He pulled away. “Thanks.”

“I should be thanking you,” I replied in a breath. Thank you for making me realize I was in love with you right before you left early for college.

“No,” he denied, but I didn’t fight him. He sat back into his seat and knew that it was finally time for me to go.

“Have a nice flight,” I wished before grabbing my bag and getting out of his car. I walked half way up the drive way before turning back around to his car, but found him driving down the street to make a turn in the coldasac. I stood there and he pulled over to my side of the road.

“Forget something?” he asked as I stood there, biting my lip. I nodded as I left my backpack in the grass and walked over to his window.

“Yeah I did,” I said before leaning down and kissing him. He kissed me back at first and it felt like the best thing in the world, but then I had to pull away before it’d cause my heart to break. I started to, but then that’s when he asked permission for his tongue to enter. Pull away, I told myself. And then I finally did. I looked down to him and his beautiful caramel eyes that I hadn’t seen for ages, but they were focused on something that only he could see.

“Have fun your senior year and don’t forget to invite me to your graduation from Rhode Island University,” he said, trying hard to hide a grin as he looked away from me. But maybe he wasn’t hiding a grin. Maybe I wanted him to.

“Sure…” I said, thinking that the kiss had meant less to him than me. He gave me one last look with his gorgeous eyes and then drove off.

(Devin’s POV)

Is she crying? Is she sleeping? Who knows!?

Every time I passed her room after getting home, I heard depressing music sung by Demi Lovato and Adele.

I was bothering me. It started all because I knew it started because she got home from being out with Zac for the first time. I saw them together today and thought that it was how it always should’ve been, but apparently it was worse than I thought if she was in her room depressed. And it was all my fault for linking them together.

“What’s the matter?” Joey asked me. Oh right. He was spending the night before my graduation tomorrow because his was next week. “You should be happy.”

“But I’m not,” I said. Not all because of the Zac-and-Angel thing, but because I hadn’t really had a high school experience that I deserved. I didn’t have normal friend drama—because I didn’t have any real friends. I didn’t have any girl problems—cuz I didn’t have any girls. The only drama that occurred couldn’t be talked about.

“Dude!” Joey yelled as I was spacing out. I shook my head and looked over to him.

“What?” I asked as if annoyed by his address. He nearly snorted into an unbelievable laugh.

Burn in Water, Drown in FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora