Burn in Water, Drown in Fire ~17~ World War III

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~17~ World War III

(Zac’s POV)

Steal it. Steal it. Steal it.

Devin was right about only making the chemical when needed—wanted—in this case, because Luke’s words were getting to me. Even though it was now two weeks after the fact.  

He was an idiot, I realize. He knew nothing of the drug, yet insisted on it grasp. Not only had the drug’s secret spread to the biggest stoner, but also Brian, who had his suspicions on why I’ve been hanging around his ex-girlfriend after “hating” her for all this time.

“Hello?” I asked over the phone. I woke up with “Steal it” in my head, but hadn’t bothered on getting up. I only saw the sun’s bright rays of light and answered my phone at its ringtone.

“Get up,” Devin commanded. At first, I was sure that he knew the Hart Brothers knew about the drug, but then he continued speaking in a calm voice. “There’s a field thirty minutes out of town going straight down highway 10. Meet me there at four.”

“At least take me on a date before you summon me places,” I humored. He breathed his laugh.

“Just get up,” he commanded before hanging up. I groaned and looked at the screen as it read “2:13 PM”. Considering how it took forty five minutes just to get out of the city—without traffic—and adding twenty minutes to that down highway 10, I threw on a red shirt and jeans before cleaning up and deciding to take my motorcycle out to this…meeting.  


The place was…interesting. Devin gave me further instructions and it led me to a huge clearing surrounded by trees on one side and a small lake on the other with a fallen apart shack in the center of the field. Of course, I noticed all of this setting before noticing the three other people that were here. One of them emerging from a different direction.

(Devin’s POV)

“What’s he doing here?” Nearly everyone asked, pointing at someone.

I looked around. Zac had a red shirt, black leather jacket and some ripped jeans and I could tell that his eyes were starting to lighten. Any chance of anger would lighten them into a flaming red color to match.

Then there was Brian, who wore a dark brown jacket with a green-ish shirt and straight-legged jeans with a flashy belt buckle, as if expecting to do absolutely nothing. He looked around, more confused than anyone. Unlike Zac, his eyes didn’t change colors at the thought of confusion. Only when in use; just like Joey.

Joey stood to my right in his gray hoodie and faded jeans. He wasn’t aware of anything. Zac knew of his powers, but Joey hadn’t. He assumed the drug had worked nothing.

“Why’d you bring me here?” Zac hissed at me. He then looked around. “And them.”

“A reunion,” I smiled weakly.

“Between two people that hate each other and a person who knows basically nothing about half the party,” Zac hissed. “Nicely done.”

“Your optimistic side of life brings me joy,” Joey teased. Zac narrowed his eyes at him and then started to look around everyone. He stopped at me.

“What happened to only three people?” Zac asked me.

“What’s he talking about?” Brian asked.

“He said only three people would ever know about the drug,” Zac informed.

“Wait. You gave them all the drug?” Joey asked me.

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