Burn in Water, Drown in Fire ~8~ I Can't Take Back The Words I Never Said

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~8~ I Can’t Take Back the Words I Never Said

(Angel’s POV)

Sometimes, there’s things in your life that honestly make you just stay quiet with your emotions and thoughts. Other times, you just wanna scream and break stuff.

Now that I run into Zac sometimes at the pool, those two feelings start to conflict. I know that I’ve had resent towards him since he went out with Lulu, but ever since he saved me, he’s changed.

NO. I’m not being like some “in love with the act” thing cuz he saved my life, but the buried interest from middle school was starting to resurface, despite the fact that I knew enough about him. Well, at least I thought I did from judging his behavior with Luke and his relationship with Lulu. I had never really talked to him one-on-one like I had recently.

Meaning, I hadn’t given him a chance. I just figured he was a bad person who made bad decisions, but maybe there’s something more to Zac Tyler. And that extra something is what I wanted to find out and pursue.

“Angel!” Lulu called. I had dazed off into space again. And if Lulu asked about what, I certainly wouldn’t tell her, because the answer was her ex boyfriend.

“What?” I asked.

“He’s right there,” she nudged. I looked over to the adjacent hallway in the mall to see Zac, Luke, and their other idiotic friends. Idiotic, being the main word.

“So what?” I asked. She quieted down. “Now can we get something to eat?”

“Sure,” she mumbled.

“So, tell me, what exactly are you and Zac now? He seemed serious at the hospital,” I started our conversation as soon as we sat down at a food court table with our food.

“I don’t know,” she sighed. “Broken up for the most part. He doesn’t answer my calls, he avoids me…do you think his phone is off?”

Lie, lie, lie. Sh!t. I can’t.

 “No,” I answered truthfully . Only because I had seen him use it and I’ve talked to him over it.

“Why do you say that?” she asked with certain composure.

“Well I mean maybe he’s trying to forget you and you’re just being a nuisance in his eyes,” I shrugged.

“And why would you think that?!”

“Because you cheated on him and, he’s done a lot of messed up sh!t, but he never cheated on you,” I reasoned. She narrowed her eyes.

“And now you’re defending him,” she commented.

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