Chapter 5

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(Here are Yumiko's hunky-chunky friends!!! XP)

(Here are Yumiko's hunky-chunky friends!!! XP)

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• Yumi's POV •

I stared up at the large mansion that stood before me. I could only wonder how it was built so fast and how I didn't notice. I sighed and shook my head, I will never understand the group of supernatural boys I grew to enjoy and cherish.

I smiled softly and walked towards the barred gate that stood in the way of the front door and typed in the passcode Marcus gave me. The lock pad beeped once allowing the gate to slide upwards and allow me access to the front door which was left unlocked just for me.

I excitedly opened the door and yelled out into the oddly quiet mansion.


I heard a couple of thumps and a stampede of feet make their way to the large stair case.


I rolled my eyes knowing it was probably Ryder who said that. But I smiled nonetheless.

Not even a second later twelve boys stumbled down the stairs, some more graceful than others.

Arms spread open I happily awaited for my welcome home tackle.


"We missed you!"

Once they tackled me to the floor I laughed.

"Of course you did you goof-balls. You guys can never have fun when I'm not here. You know what they say "The party don't start till I walk in.""

They all chuckled and group hugged me to death.

Honestly, I really missed these guys...

Little Miss Mysterious (Diabolik Lovers x OC) [Read the Rewritten Version]Where stories live. Discover now