Chapter 1

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I was currently on my way to the  Sakamaki mansion in a black limo Karlheinz had threw me in.

In front me another limo–in which I assumed Yui was in– was heading to the same mansion in the distance.

I wasn't sure if I was ready for all this, but I knew I was only doing this to keep this young girl safe and maybe getting a new house....

*Ahem* A-anyways, I wouldn't want her to die in the hands of six sadistic vampires, it wouldn't be right.

I sighed shaking my head, this is going to be troublesome, best not to think about it too much.

I looked out the window noticing that we had now stopped. I breathed out hesitantly and opened the door grabbing my one suitcase and duffle bag. Stepping out of the vehicle, I set my eyes on a young blonde girl with shiny scarlet eyes.

Smiling I walked up to her and greeted myself, "Hi you must be Yui Komori. I'm Yumiko Akamatsu, we'll be living with each other for a few months."

"O-oh, it's nice to meet you." She smiled and then faced the looming gates before her. "I guess we better hurry and get inside, it looks like it's going to rain."

I nodded, secretly sniffing the air. She was right it was going to rain, but I didn't mind the rain. It brought on a nice kind of happiness.

Half way to the door, Yui yelped when a drop of water landed on her nose, "It's raining!"

She quickly ran up the stairs, while I calmly followed not minding at all that I was getting wet.

Once I stood by Yui's side she knocked two times, "Hello!"

We waited.

Just when she was going to reach for the door handle, the door opened ominously slow, showing that the door had opened on its own. I narrowed my eyes slightly, and walked in first. The door squeaked as it opened wider.

Being a naive little human, Yui called out. "Excuse me, is anyone home?"

She stood a bit behind me and looked around, "That's funny. Maybe they weren't told we were coming today."

Or maybe they're watching us in the shadows. 'Tch' typical vampire behavior. I kept a straight face as we walked towards the long stairway ahead of us.

"Hello?" Yui spoke.

Without an answer we began to look around. Well she did, I didn't have too, I already knew they were watching...I could feel it.

I looked to Yui and noticed her walking off to our right. When I got closer towards her I noticed a red haired boy 'sleeping'.

"Yui, be careful." I narrowed my eyes onto the boy on the couch.

"Huh, but maybe he'll help us..." She trailed off and crouched closer to him. "Um, excuse me?"

When he didn't answer she placed her hand on his pale fingers, "You're cold! Are you okay?"

Worriedly she slid off her bag and placed her head on his chest. She wasn't going to find anything.

Not even a second later she gasped, "He has no pulse! Oh no!"

She turned and looked at me then at the boy, "We have to call an ambulance!"

I shook my head and placed a hand on my face. I may be calm, but I wouldn't say patient. If this keeps happening it's going to be hard to keep her safe. I hate to say it but the faster she finds out they're vampires the easier this is going to be.

Little Miss Mysterious (Diabolik Lovers x OC) [Read the Rewritten Version]Where stories live. Discover now