Take me back

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  "Alison!" Emily screamed as she watched her blonde haired friend turn the corner and disappear into the night. Her breathing was heavy and her heart was breaking as she chased after the girl she once called her friend, tears began to fill her dim eyes as she turned the corner and saw...nothing. Alison was gone, not a trace of her insight. All that was left of her was the lasting scent of her perfume, it smelled of strawberries and lemonade and summer time with Alison giggling and running through the park. Emily couldn't breath as she let her legs got weak and crumbled beneath her, falling to the pavement she could feel her legs scratch against it and the blood draining down her skin, but this thought wasn't one Emily cared about, all she could feel was her heart ripping from her chest at the thought of Alison being gone...forever.
Days past and nobody heard from the beautiful blonde, nobody saw her prize winning smile or golden locks, nobody heard her laugh that was so stunning that it would stay in your head hours after she let it slip from her soft pink lips. Nobody, not one soul saw Alison after that night...and nobody would ever see her again.
It had been a week since Alison had gone missing, and Emily couldn't seem to forget that night, when she told Alison she hated her, when she pushed her away and said she didn't want to be her friend. Emily felt awful, like maybe if she hadn't said that, maybe if she had let Alison kiss her and maybe if she held that girl with all her might...she would still be here. However nothing could bring her back, and nothing could change what Emily said or did that night after the end of summer party.
______________________The party.
"Hanna, pick your jaw up off the floor and stop staring at Sean" Alison rolled her big ocean eyes as she pushed Hanna's arm.
"Oh sorry Alison" Hanna tucked her tail between her legs "He's just so dreamy"
"So talk to him, but first go to the bathroom and do that thing I taught you, cause boys like him don't like parade floats as girlfriends."
"What does that mean?" Spencer questioned Alison
"Nothing Spencey, don't worry. I'm only looking out for Hanna's best interests" Alison smiled that smile everyone knew, it meant she was being sneaky and lying and causing trouble, but nobody was going to ruin the night by stopping her. Hanna made her way to find the bathroom, as the rest of the girls made their way to the dance floor.
_________________________Present day.
"Em" Hanna slowly walked into the room, "Can I crash here?"
"Umm, sure" Emily shook her head as she realized were she was and what was happening.
"I'm so bummed out, Sean's dating that bitch Jenna" Hanna face planted into Emily's bed and then turned over to speak again "I guess Ali was right..why would a guy like him ever want hefty Hanna."
"Hey!" Emily yelled at Hanna "You are beautiful, and smart, and the sweetest girl I know...every guy in this stupid place would be lucky to get you Han. Ali wasn't right, she was just trying to hurt you, you can't let her win."
Hanna smiled, "Thanks Em, I love you"
"I love you too Hanna banana" Emily giggled as she pulled her friend close.
______________¬The party.
"Oh my god!!" Aria squealed, "Don't do that!"
"Oh come on" Noel laughed "It's fun Aria, what's the harm in a little joke?"
"He bugging you?" Alison asked as she made her way to Aria
"Only a little" Aria laughed slightly
"Have a little fun with me Ari....take my hand and I'll show you the world on my magic carpet."
"Oh and what's that stand for?" Alison huffed "Your bed were you take all of Rosewoods finest ladies for a trip around the world? or should a say a trip in-between your legs?"
"Got me again Alison" Noel smiled "but hey the offer still stands, find me when you need a little wind in your hair"
"Gross" Aria giggled as she watched Noel walk away
" Oh don't be a prude" Alison smirked "Haven't you ever wanted to see what's it's like to ride his.."
"Oh my god Alison!!!" Aria screamed "Stop please"
"Oh come on sweetie, I'm only trying to help you" Alison took Aria's hand "Loosen up a little"
__________________________Present day.
Aria smiled as her new friend began to push her dress up, she could feel his soft hands against her inner thighs, and her mind went blank. She hated this life, sleeping with any guy who offered, in any place they wanted. This time a bar bathroom with some guy she didn't even knows name. God why was she like this? Ever since Alison left Aria had made it her mission to be as fun as Noel told her to be. All because she wanted love, she wanted to be happy and Alison was always happy and loved by all and so Aria took Alison's advice and ran with it. She was loose, she was fun, but somehow it wasn't working. it only made her want to cry, with every new guy she met she wanted to die a little more. She wasn't finding love and she wasn't happy yet stopping wasn't something she knew how to do. Her eyes glazed over as the encounter went on, she could hear him panting and she could feel him sweating and this all was making her just want to push him away and leave...maybe that's why Alison left, maybe being the fun girl she always was wasn't actually fun for her anymore. Maybe she couldn't stop it, but maybe the thought of one more guy was painful for her to think of.
_________________________The party.
"Spencey" Alison muttered as she arrived onto the dance floor "Dance with me"
"Of course my princess" Spencer laughed as she extended her arm, Alison taking her hand with a smile.
"Alison's no princess" Noel smirked as he walked over to the girls "You gotta be innocent to be a princess"
"Your right" Alison put her head up high "I'm the queen"
"Ahh and who's the king then?" Noel asked
"Hmm let me think" Alison giggled "I think Spencer will do"
"I think only boys can be king" Noel said as he began to walk away.
"Ali I really should be going, this is my last weekend to work on my homework before school starts." Spencer pleaded, as if she was asking to leave instead of telling.
"Spence. You can't leave, it's the last summer party" Alison rolled her ocean eyes. "Besides who takes classes during the summer anyways?"
"I do Ali, so I can get into a good college. It's really important to me"
"Well it shouldn't be, I mean who says you will be alive by then anyways. Wasting your time thinking of the future is silly cause you don't know if it's even going to happen." Alison told Spencer, "Now stop ruining the party and have fun."
"Wow Alison, isn't that kind of dark?" Spencer asked "Dying before I'm 18?"
"You'd leave a beautiful corpse" Alison smiled
"That's gruesome" Spencer shook her head and looked down
"No!" Alison got Spencer's attention "It's immortality my darling."
____________________________Present day.
Spencer stared at the homework that sat in front of her, her eyes looking at the words but her brain not letting them in, she couldn't seem to concentrate on anything lately and she knew why. It was Alison, what she said at the party about dying young, Spencer knew she was right. Why waste what short time you have here doing this? I mean look at Ali, she's gone at 16 and what did she do? nothing.
"It's immortality my darlings" Spencer smiled as she looked outside. She could feel Alison around her, as if she was still there but she wasn't. She could hear her voice in her head telling her to live life while she still has one, don't end up dying without a single fun story to tell. Spencer jumped up, but slowly she sat back down, her fingers lacing around the pencil that sat on her desk. Maybe Alison was right, maybe Spencer needed to be fun and live her life instead of stay on the safe path but Spencer didn't know how...
______________________________The (After) party.
"Emmy" Alison giggled as she ran through the street, Emily walking behind her.
"Yes Ali?" Emily smiled as she watched her friend spin in circles until she fell.
"I fells" Alison laughed, her hands raised up as Emily took them and helped her to her feet. Alison's feet shook as she tumbled onto Emily.
"Em & Em" Alison whispered "I love you...the mostest"
"Really?" Emily giggled as she wrapped her arm around her clearly drunk friend. "Let's go home Ali"
"No!!" Alison screamed, pulling away
"Why?" Emily asked
"Because I need to" Alison muttered, slowly stumbling over to Emily and then...BAM their lips were smashed together as Alison kissed Emily until Emily pushed her away.
"Stop!" Emily cried as she pushed Alison, "Don't do that, you can't"
"Why?" Alison pouted
"Because Ali, I love you!" Emily cried, tears streaming down her cheeks "I can't keep letting you lead me on and then hurt me, my heart can't take this...I can't do it anymore."
"Emmy" Alison smiled "We are just friends, can't we be just friends?"
"Friends don't do this!!" Emily yelled, her heart racing and her vision blurred from tears
"Yes they can Emily" Alison smiled
"Well then I don't want to be your friend, I can't deal with any of it. The way you talk to me and the others, the way you treat us. You don't deserve our friendship Ali...I hate this, I hate you!" Emily cried out, tears filling her eyes as she spoke.
"Fine..." Alison whispered "So I'll go then, and you can be happy without me"
"Ali" Emily muttered as she wiped her eyes, only to see her friend was running off into the distance "Alison!"  

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