The boy was beautiful. Yes, Frank was gay but that didn't matter right now. The boy had black hair and teal roots. He wore a Misfits shirt, a black cardigan, red eye shadow, and black skinny jeans. He wore a beautiful smile on his face. He had perfect hazel eyes and his hair was a bit greasy but he was just.. beautiful. Frank's eyes widened at the beautiful boy and handed him back his phone. "Wow.. He's beautiful." Frank whispered. The boy only smiled sadly. Frank bit his lip. "I'm Ray by the way." the boy said. "Frank." he said. "Nice to meet you." Ray smiled. Frank smiled a little bit. "Likewise." he said. "Well, what period do you have free?" Ray asked. He pulled out his schedule. "Uh, fifth period." he said. Ray grinned. "Same! You can meet my friends." Ray said. Frank grinned. "I'd love to make new friends." he said. Ray smiled. "See ya around. Gotta get to class." Ray said. Frank smiled. "See ya." he said.


Frank's parents weren't going to be home that night so he decided 'What the hell' and bought a Ouija board to talk to Gerard. He ran upstairs to his room or Gerard's room. He opened the box and placed the board on the ground and the planchette on the board. He bit his lip and closed his eyes. "G-Gerard?" he said as he put his fingers on the planchette. Nothing for a few moments. Then it slowly moved to 'yes'. Frank smiled. "Hi." he said. The board spelled out 'H-I'. Frank grinned. "I heard you were friends with Ray. I met him today. He's really nice." he said. The planchette moved to 'yes'. "Wow, I can't believe I'm talking to you." Frank said. "Why did you do it?" Frank asked. It immediately went to 'no'. "Shit, sorry." Frank said. 'O-K' it spelled out. "I don't know what to say." he said. 'C-A-R-E' it spelled out. "What do you mean? I care?" Frank asked. It went to 'yes'. "I do." he smiled. "I wish you were with me. In person. I want to hold you.." he whispered. 'L-I-K-E T-H-A-T'. it spelled out. "You'd like it? Aw. You're really cute by the way." Frank said, blushing a bit. 'T-H-A-N-K-S'. Frank smiled. 'G-A-Y' it spelled out. "I am. Are you?" Frank asked. It moved to 'yes'. Frank smiled. "That's cool." he said. 'M-E.' "What about you?" Frank asked. 'B-E W-I-T-H'. "How?" he asked. 'S-T-A-Y'. Frank smiled. "I'm not going anywhere." he said. 'G-O-O-D'. Frank chuckled. "I really like you Gerard." Frank said. 'Y-O-U T-O-O' Frank blushed. 'B-L-U-S-H'. Frank smiled. "Yeah.." Frank felt something on his shoulder. He looked over and nothing was there but he knew Gerard had touched him. "Fuck, I want to be with you." Frank said. 'Y-O-U C-A-N'. "How?" 'Y-O-U K-N-O-W'. Frank thought for a moment. "Oh.." he said. "I'd have to think about it." Frank said. 'O-K'. Frank smiled. He heard his parents come in the house. "Shit- I have to go Gerard. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye." he said. The planchette moved to 'goodbye'. He put the board under his bed and quickly turned off the light and pretended to be asleep. His curfew was at ten on school days and it was eleven already. He eventually did fall asleep.


The next day rolled around and it was his free period after a couple of boring classes.

"Hey dude." Ray said. Frank smiled. "I have something great to tell you." Frank said, sitting down. "What is it?" Bob said. "I made contact with Gerard last night." Frank said. Silence. Frank bit his lip and looked at his hands, waiting for someone to speak up. "That's great. How?" Ryan asked. "Ouija board." Frank said. Ray smiled a bit. "So, does he like you?" Ray asked. Frank nodded. "He said it, too." Frank smiled. "Are you planning on talking to him again?" Bob asked. "Of course. When I get home I will." Frank said. They nodded. "Good for you." Ray said. Frank smiled.


"Hi Gerard." Frank said, his fingers on the planchette. 'H-I'. "I missed you." he whispered. "Y-O-U T-O-O'. Frank smiled. "I thought about what you said yesterday. Thought about it all day. But I decided I'll do it." Frank said nervously. 'D-O-N-T H-A-V-E T-O'. "I want to though.. I want to be with you, Gerard. I know it's only been two days but.. I really like you, Gerard. You seem so sweet and I want to be with you badly. It's not like anybody is going to miss me anyway.. I've dealt with this before. Had many suicide attempts in the past. I'm still depressed as shit and I'm really hoping that soon it will work.. And hopefully it will let me be with you." Frank whispered. 'A-W-W.' Frank blushed. 'C-O-M-E'. "Will you be with me when I do it?" Frank asked. It moved to 'yes'. "Alright, I'm gonna do it now." he said. He got up and bit his lip, going to his medicine cabinet and grabbing as many pills as he could. He swallowed them all and then went under his bed and grabbed a razor blade. He put water in the bath and once it was full enough he got in and pressed the blade to his wrist. He lifted his hand up and stabbed his wrist with it, dragging it deep into his skin. He hissed as he felt the blood from his broken artery flow out of his skin.

It took a while for him to bleed out but towards the end he saw Gerard in the bathtub with him, placing a hand on Frank's face. He looked him deep in the eyes and took his wrist, placing it deep under the hot water. He whispered screamed. "Fuck." he said. "You're almost with me. We can be together. Forever." he heard Gerard say. Frank took his other hand and intertwined their fingers together, looking him in the eyes. "Promise?" Frank said. "Promise." Gerard whispered, smiling that same smile he had in that photo of him that Ray showed him. "You look so beautiful." Gerard said. Frank chuckled. "Yeah? Look at you though.. So beautiful, fuck, I can't take my eyes off of you." Frank said. Gerard smiled. Frank took his bleeding hand and placed his thumb over Gerard's lips. "Kiss me." Frank whispered. Gerard slowly leaned in and captured their lips together. Frank felt magic and fireworks as he kissed him. He's been wanting to do that for what seemed like forever. Gerard deepened the kiss and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Are you close?" Gerard asked. Frank nodded. "Any second now.." he said. "I think I love you, Gerard." he whispered. "I love you, too." he whispered. His vision faded and everything went black and he knew he had succeeded. Moments later he saw Gerard. He was still in the bath. He panicked and thought it didn't work. "Stand up, my love." Gerard said and helped him up. He did and realized his body was still there. He smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist. "You did it, baby." Gerard smiled, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I did." Frank said, smiling. "I don't regret it either." Frank said. Gerard kept smiling. "Good." he said. "What I said before I.. You know.. I really meant it when I said I love you. It's been a few days but I can really tell that you're someone I'd like to spend an eternity with." he said. Gerard placed a kiss on his cheek. "I do want spend an eternity with you too, and fuck, I love you too." Gerard whispered. Frank kissed him softly. "I'll love you always." Frank said. "Promise?" Gerard whispered.


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