When I heard her voice my head snapped up and I was full alert now.


God please Col-


Baby I’m here, are you all right?


Cole? Thank god! Please help me


Baby I need you to relax and tell me if you’re okay


Yes I’m fine, just a little sore


Where are you?


I don’t know! Its pitch black, but I know I’m in a cold damp place. By the cold cement floor and the droplets of water.


Okay Baby, I need you to try to give me a better idea where you are


I can’t I’m chained up….Cole someone is coming


I’m here just stay calm and try to give whatever clues you can




I heard footsteps and two people bickering.

“You should have come to me right away” women voice 1.

“I’m sorry, but I did try to find you” women voice 2.

“Don’t lie to me you pathetic girl. Now where is she” The first women snarls. The footsteps got closer I quickly laid back down and closed my eyes. I tucked my head in my arms and tucked my legs up to my stomach, and made sure to stay very still.

“Over here” The other women says with a shaky voice. They must of turned on a light, because I see light escaping through openings around my arms.

“Ahhh, finally” The main women says happily.

“Wake up child” She shouts, but I don’t move.

“WAKE UP NOW” She roars this time, and my heart started racing. I slowly pushed myself up to a sitting position, but kept my head down and couldn’t see anything with my hair covered my face.

“Ahhh, good she wakes” The women cheers as she clasps her hands.

“I’ve waited many decades for this moment. Look at me descendent of the great daughter of Zeus, Athena!” She demands happily. I had my arms wrapped around my legs, and pulled up to my chest so I only lifted my head to make eye contact. When I open my eyes I gasp at the sight before me. The women stood before me in a black hooded robe. Her skin was a pale greenish color and eyes were big yellow orbs, but the pupils were thin and black. I had an idea as who was before me, but there was one thing from making it 100% accurate. That was her hair, and it was covered with a scarf.

“Forgive my looks child” The women says sarcastically, and I just sat there not saying anything.

“I’m Medusa! As I’m sure you already know this” She tells me, and she just confirms my suspensions. I start to look around to see where I was, but landed on the other women.

“HEATHER YOU BITCH” I snap loudly.

“I assume you girls are not the closes friends” Medusa smiles, and Heather just stood there not say anything.

“How could you do this? I thought you liked Cole? Or did you use him to get close to me” I asked angrily. She goes to speak but closes her mouth quickly when Medusa chimes in.

“Oh how is Cole? How do I miss him!”

“None of your damn business” I snap.

“I would think about how you talk to me” She warns. She walks over to me an kneels before me, and pulls a knife out of her pocket.

“Or things for your lover boy will end sooner than later” She informs me as she grabs my hand and slices it making me winch. I quickly snap my hand back holding it up to my chest over my heart. She smiles wickedly at me.

“Cup now” She demands to Heather, and Heather pass her a golden cup.

“Hand” She commands me, but I didn’t move so she grabbed my hand. She put the golden cup up to my closed fist so the blood could drop into it.

“What do you even want with me? It’s not like I made you the way you are” I cried out asking. She just stands up laughing at me and brings the knife up to her mouth. Then slides it across her tongue to clean the blood off it. Well that’s just disturbing!

“Oh child you will know in-“She starts to say, but stops mid-sentence. When I look up at her she was zoned out and her eyes were solid black. Heather took a few shaky steps back from her, not knowing what’s going on either.

“Ma- Ma-Medusa?” Heather stutters, and she didn’t reply. She was just standing there zoned out like she wasn’t with us, and finally she snaps out of it and her black eyes turn firey red.

“Impossible” She states staring at me.

“What?” Heather asks, but Medusa doesn’t answer. She gives me an evil smile and walks away, but not before telling Heather to follow. Okay this keeps getting weirder

The Descendant and her ProtectorWhere stories live. Discover now