"Seriously, can't you at least wash the bandana?" I complain.

"Can't you at least focus on your mission?" he argues back.

I curse and turn into the ventilation. I lie down on my stomach and start to crawl in the tunnel but realising something I turn back to the shack I came from. "How do I know where to go?" I ask to the group. Taylor give me a perplexed look. "I think you have to go with your instinct DK. That's all I can say." he answers. I nod  and crawl into the tunnel. I take a deep breathe, concentrating about Violet.

Follow my instinct. Follow my instinct. My instinct? Seriously? My instinct is either a scary thought or just plain stupid. Stupid but worth it. Worth it. Totally worth it. Just follow my instinct. Instinct. Now, I should go left or right?

I turn to the right and back to the left uncertain of which is the correct way. In that moment of doubt, I remember what happen this morning when I had that weird moment. So I try to do that again. And how do I do that again? Okay! How exactly those people in the movies played it. Picturing the subject and concentrate on it. Right. Exactly. Of course. I picture her in my head. Thinking that she might be in danger if I don't hurry up. With that thought and memory, I feel a sudden numbness in my head. Something is happening. Yes! Something is happening.

I try to press on the numbness. Hoping for miracle. Nope! I got nothing.

I tried again. I close my eyes for better concentration. I imagin her is her usual casual clothes. Blue dress with white lace. Dancing under the summer glow. Her blushing cheek and sparkling eyes gleaming with happiness.

When I open my eyes, I see a fast movement of a corridor, then a movement towards the escalator. I see more of zombies chasing. And a scream echoes. I start crawling instantaneous through the tunnel, with Violet's vision as my guide. The tunnel is full of dust and spider web but I keep moving, I turn to the right, following my instinct. I stop at every ventilation I acquainted to see if I'm getting closer. But all I see is more zombies gliding or crawling to find anything eatable. The air in the tunnel humid and dry make me barely breathing. I need to find Violet quickly and get out of this small space. I starting to get claustrophobic.

After the second left turn, I heard another scream. I crawl towards it ignoring the noises and banging I made from the crawling. When I reach to a shack, my eyes collided with the eyes that I've been trying to find. That blue eyes. I quickly jump through it and land between the pack of zombies and the group. The moments my eyes find Violet's, I return to my self as I stand on my feet. I start to take shots at the zombies as I scream to the group to start moving.

We run towards a storage room that links to the loading garage. As Violet run towards the garage, John Quichburd pushes Violet away so that he can enters the garage first. Violet slams herself violently to the wall before she collapses. With a shock, I stop at her and quickly carried her up on my left arm with another keep firing the bullet gun. When I reach into the loading garage with unconscious Violet, I quickly close the door between the loading garage and the storage room. I place Violet gently on the floor and examine her.

Noticing that they have a chance to escape, they start to jump on a nearby vehicle to leave. "Wait! Help me." I beg.

"Leave her." Quichburd screams. "She'll be a weight to us."

My clench my teeth tight, holding every anger I had at him. I open my mouth letting out every breath I had at that moment. "She's my sister for goodness sake. There's no way in the world, I would leave her." I snap.

The door behind me begin to stamp with zombies. They try to break through the door as I heard the roars and the banging on the door. I turn to the man and asking him to help one last time but he looks at me with a nuisance. He gets into the truck with the rest of the group.

"What about the rest? They are in the back room." I inform. The engine starts and the gate is open slowly.

"It's too late for them." He says before wanting to leave the garage along with the black couple and the mother and son.

I stare at him with fear and hope. For the times I never fear of anything except in my dreams, but losing my dearest family is the most fearful of them all. My hands begin to shake and my mouth trembles, clattering my teeth. He stares at me through the windscreen. In few seconds, he opens the door and jumps out. My heart races. Excited and worried jumbles together. He's going to help me. Instead, he pulls me and pushes Violet's hand out of my grip.


It will take me a long time before I can finish this. But no worries. Original drafts are already made for each chapters. Just sit tight and enjoy the story. I know most of you want to wait till the story completes, but it is really difficult considering I'm about to start working soon. But I will try.

Enjoy the story.

ELPIDIOS: The Heir Must Survive - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now