"Hold on I got this," I told them as I walked over to a guy who looked about our age getting out of his jeep. "Excuse me, Would you happen to have jumper cables?" I asked. The guy turned around to reveal a quite attractive face. "Actually I do," he smiled, and I'll admit, I melted a bit inside.

I yelled at myself to stop. I kept reminding myself that I had Sam waiting for me at home. "Great, my friend left our headlights on while we were inside," I lightened the mood while he got out the cables.

"Here, take these I'll drive around to your car so I can hook them up," he said, handing me the cables. "Sounds good," I smiled.

He pulled around and hooked up the cables and our car started up. "Thank you so much," I thanked him. "No problem, I didn't happen to catch your name," he smiled. "Melanie, but you can call me Mel," I smiled back. "Well, Mel, I'm Jack, Jack Gilinsky," he said shaking my hand. "I thought you looked familiar!" I exclaimed, finally recognizing him from Vine.

"We should hang out some time," he stated simply, handing me a piece of paper with his number on it. Before I had time to protest Jane pushed me into the car. "Thanks again Jack, we gotta go though!" She hollered walking back to the passenger door.

"Gurlll, you have a boyfriend!" Jane warned as soon as all the doors were closed. "I know," I sighed. "Just be careful," she warned yet again. Tom was still in lala land and had no idea what was going on.

I added Jack's number to my contacts and folded that paper up, slipping it into my pocket. Jane began rambling on about Scotty McCreery and I zoned out thinking about Jack.

I love Sam, well I like him a lot, but Jack smile gave me butterflies and that shouldn't happen if I'm already in love, right? I couldn't talk to Jane about this right now though, she'd flip if I told her. I needed to casually bring it up later.

"Right?" she asked. I hadn't been following along so I just agreed. "That's what I thought. So I was thinking....." she rambled on. I nodded when she would look back for confirmation and continued to dwell upon my uncertainty.

"Do you want to come over and watch a movie?" she asked interrupting my thoughts. "Actually, I should probably get back to Sam," I declined. "Okay, maybe next weekend," she agreed.

I hopped out of the car when we pulled up to Sam's house. I blew a kiss at Jane as I walked up the walkway to the front door.

"Hey babe," Sam opened the door as soon as I reached it. "Wow, were you waiting for me this whole time?" I giggled pecking him on the lips as I walked through the door.

"Well I missed you," he grinned his cheesy grin and winked. "I missed you too," I said kicking off my converse. "Well, what do you wanna do tonight?" he asked reaching his fingers in my front pockets and pulling me towards him.

"We could bake cupcakes?" I offered. "Sounds great," he said, kissing my forehead. "What's this?" he asked pulling a paper out of my pocket. I was puzzled for a moment. "Who's Jack?" he asked yet another question.

"Oh, he's the guy that helped us jump start the car today," I forced a smile. Technically I hadn't done anything wrong, yet I felt guilty. "So you have his number?" he questioned. "He just gave it to me," I sighed.

"Did you tell him you had a boyfriend?" he raised an eyebrow. "No, but-" I was cut off. "I bet you put it in your phone, huh!" he began to raise his voice. People always talk about it being cute when their boyfriend gets jealous, but it actually scared me.

"Sam, calm down," I tried. "You're not denying it," he stated taking a step back. "Calm down Sam! I can have friends. Just because we're dating doesn't mean you're the only person I can talk to," I scolded him.

"Well sorry I don't like MY girlfriend taking to other guys!" he yelled back. I pushed him back further and walked past him to the door. "Is this it? Are you just gonna walk out?" he shouted. I ignored him and slammed the door behind me.

I walked to my house debating whether or not to text Jack the whole way there. I thought I loved Sam. Technically I did like Jack so his accusations were correct, but I didn't like the fact that he didn't trust me.

When I got back to my house I ate a piece of pizza from the box my mom had left out for me. I walked up to my room and hopped into the shower. I changed into pajamas and put my hair up in a sock bun. I slide into bed, plugged in my phone and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up at eleven. After surfing pintrest for awhile I picked up my phone and sent Jack a message.

Me: Hey, it's Mel :)

I put my phone down and walked down to the kitchen to grab a Capri Sun. I walked back up to my room, put my playlist on shuffle, and pulled out some math homework. A couple minutes later my phone went off.

Jack: Need the jumper cables again? Lol

I smiled to myself before texting back.

Me: Not at the moment :D Watcha up to?

Jack: Sitting around and being bored. Wanna go mini golfing?

I started a my phone indecisively. We're Sam and I still a thing? Would it be wrong? Well, he didn't say it was a date....

Me: Sure, what time?

Jack: I'll pick you up in an hour?

Me: Sounds great, can't wait :)

Jack: Cool, see you then x

I smiled like an idiot before realizing I was still in my pajamas. I jumped off of my bed and skipped to my closet. I picked out a pair of white cut off shorts and a loose American flag tank top. I tucked the front of the tank top into the front of my shorts loosely and slipped on my converse.

I made my way to the bathroom and loosely curled my hair before putting it up in a high ponytail. I pulled out some pieces in the front and straightened them to give the messy look, then moved on to make up.

I put on a light foundation, contoured, applied mascara, and filled.in my eyebrows with powder a little bit. I swiped on a bit of lip balm and checked the clock. I had fifteen minutes left.

I put in my big diamond earrings and grabbed my phone. I took my time going downstairs and grabbed and apple from the kitchen. By the time I finished it, there was a knock on the door. I counted to five, then walked over and opened it.

"Hey," I greeted as I opened the door. "Hi, you look nice," he complimented giving me a hug as I walked outside. Not only did he look good, but he smelled good too. My heart was melting. I closed the door and followed him to his jeep. He just kept getting more attractive.


*** Heyyy! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I bet you didn't expect a surprise appearance from Jack Gilinsky haha. Well it was getting boring for me to write so I had to change it up! Don't forget to comment and vote! I love you all and thanks for reading! :*

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