I walk out of my closet in a pair of jeans and a blouse I got from Forever 21 that is light pink with flowers on it. "Okay I am just wearing this."

"It looks cute. I am borrowing it after you are done with it."

"For sure. So what are you going to be doing tonight?"

"Nothing." She says with a sad voice. Okay maybe she is still sad about David.

"Do you want me to cancel? We can go to the mall and shop. Talk about how boys suck. "

"No. You go be with your hot boyfriend. I am fine. So I got dumped for the stupidest reason alive. " I look at her and don't believe for a second that she is okay. I should get Josh to give her company. The fact that Josh is who I am considering to give her company tells you how sad she looks. I hear the doorbell ring and know its Adam because it's eight and he said eight. He can be annoyingly punctual. It actually is beyond annoying. It is just so, so proper. I am used to going with the flow and chillaxing, but why does he have to be so perfect.

"Are you sure?" I ask one more time before I leave Emily in my room to sleep. I run down the stairs and open the door. "Hey." I say to Adam giving him a kiss on the cheek and then try to walk to the living room to say bye to Josh. Adam pulls me back to him and kisses me on the lips. We stand there kissing for a couple more minutes before I push him back and smile. "Hold your lips. I just want to say bye to Josh." I walk into the living room and see Josh on the couch with Jennifer and Logan sitting with Sarah. "Hey Joshie. I am going out with Adam. Do me a favor and call Em down later and give her some company."

"Yeah. Have fun." He says. "Why is Emily here?" He sounds like a five year old, who still believes girls have cooties.

"Because she doesn't want to go home."

"But you're not even going to be here. What are we suppose to do? Look at each other's faces all night. "

"If I remember correctly you and Emily get along pretty well. You where comfortable enough to snuggle up with her. " Josh glares at me. " And besides Logan is here when you're not. So me not being here is no different."


"That's what I thought. " I say smiling. Josh glares more. Maybe I should stay home. "Just be nice would you."

"Don't worry, he will." Logan says. I am totally surprised he said that, but he is doing it for Emily. I just stand there looking at him, bewildered. I then shrug my shoulders and walk out of the room without another word.

I make it home at 11 after watching the Killers. Adam liked the movie. Personally, I liked Ashton Kutcher shirtless.

Now we are standing at the door. "Night." Adam says leaning in.

"Night." I say before pulling his lips to mine. Adam pushes me against the door and presses his entire body against mine. His lips move perfectly with mine. He pushes me up a little so I can wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer to me. Kissing Adam is good, but I can't help but think of how his kisses never can get the same response out of me as Logan's. I know I am screwed up I am making out with a guy and thinking about how he is not as good a kisser as LOGAN. I also realize I just referred to my boyfriend as a guy but Logan was thought of as LOGAN.

"Mmm....Night." He says again. Kissing my neck.

"N-night." I say again before I let my grip around his neck loosen and untangle my legs. "Bye." I say laughing at his pouting lips. "Bye Adam." I say before walking into the house. I feel a little guilty, but what can I do. If I break up with him then I hurt him more. At least he doesn't know I kissed Logan. That is kind of comforting, which also makes me feel guilty but I decide to avoid thinking about it.

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