Walking, and Bunny!!!!!!

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Hey everyone. Sorry its a day late. Hehe My mom looked at this, and asked what it was my first reaction was to say it was homework. I don't like my mom reading my stuff, and if I say its homework she won't look. She hates homework almost as much as I do.

Nell: You got your mom warped around your finger.

Neko: H*** no. If I did she would know what Naruto is like your mom.

Nell: Yea, my mom's awesome.

Itachi: How did I end up here?

Nell and Neko: Itachi!!!!!!

Neko: There you are. I wanted you to do this weeks disclaimer.

Itachi: Why should I?

Neko and Nell: Do you want what happened to Sasori (in the chapter called The next morning, fun right? incase you forgot) to happen to you?

Itachi: No. Um Neko doesn't own Naruto.

Nell: We have such awesome threats.

Neko: Yea, making S-ranked criminals say 'I love fluffy bunnies' is so a threat.

 Nell: That threat is so much more valid in this chapter.

 Anyway here you go.

We get out of the boat, and on the pier thing.

“This is as far as I go. Later” The rower dude says.

“Sure. Thanks a lot.” Tazuna says.

“Be careful.” Rower dude says.

“Bye, rower dude!” I yell to him.

“All right, take me home safely.” Tazuna says to us.

“Okay.” Kakashi says, and we start walking.

“Man, I love the Hokage for letting you guys come.” I say randomly.

“Yea, me too.” Payne says. He looks like he's jumping around inside wanting to fight.

“I third that!” Kathy says.

“And it gives you more protection for free.” I say to Tazuna. Then Naruto starts looking around.

“There!” He says as he throws a kunai making almost everyone go wide eyed. Almost meaning everyone but Payne, Kathy, and me. “Oh, it was just a mouse.”

“Stop showing off! There was nothing there!” Pinky say. Oh thank everyone, that Pinky is here to say her lines.

“Please, Naruto, don't use your kunai so abusively. It's dangerous in the first place.” Kakashi warns.

“Hey, you dwarf! Don't scare us!” Tazuna yells.

“Stop making fun of short people, you drunk.” I say actually kind of nicely.

“Its just because your short that your yelling at him.” Payne says.

“Damn straight, and I love being short you get to walk under stuff as taller people hit their head on it.” I say as I walk under some lowish branches, and Payne, who's almost a foot taller than me, trys to follow but hits his head proving my point.

“Ouch! OK I see your point.” He says getting the leaves out of his hair.

“I see someone hiding over there.” He turns one direction. “No, is he over there?” He turns in another direction. “There!” He turns in his final direction, throwing a kunai.

“I told you to stop!” Pinky yells.

“But I really did sense someone.” Naruto wines.

“Liar! Cut it out.” Pinky yells. Kakashi finds the white rabbit. “Naruto! Look what you've done!”

“Rabbit! Sorry, I didn't mean it. Sorry, rabbit.” Naruto puts it put and hugs it.

“Its just a rabbit.” Kakashi says.

“But its a pretty rabbit.” I say walking over there, and taking the rabbit from Naruto. “Why are you white?”

“What do you mean?” Pinky asks me.

“Well its survival of the fittest out here so having a white coat in a dark forest isn't very smart. These rabbits change their coats every season so why is it still white?”

“Everyone, duck!” Kakashi yells.

“Duck! Goose!” I yell while going to the ground. Zabuza's sword swings down, and lands in a tree. Zabuza lands on his sword. “Hey I ordered the goose not the cow!” For that I get glared at by Mr. Cow-man. Yes Zabuza will be refereed to as Mr. Cow-man in this fight. “Sorry had to say that Zabuza.”

“Oh, my, my you are Momochi Zabuza, the exiled ninja of the Hidden Mist Village.” Kakashi says. Naruto trys to get Zabuza but Kakashi stops him. “You're in the way. Stay back everyone.”

“Why?” Naruto asks.

“He's way different from the guys we met before. Nell can you write it.” Kakashi asks me. Write what? Oh write something like Zabuza going away.

“I'm guessing you are Kakashi the Sharingan user. I'm sorry, but I'll need you to hand over the geezer.”

“Sorry Kakashi but I can't totally write it. I'll fix some of it but not all.” I go to grab my book. Awe crap its not here. I look on the ground trying to find it. “Damn it, I lost my book!”

“Everyone, form the swastika formation.” Kakashi yells. I always think of Hitler when someone says that. “Protect Tazuna-san. Don't join the battle.” Kin looks like she wants to object but shuts up.

“I need my book.” I start running away from the battle but Zabuza appears in front of me. I quickly take out a kunai, and go to stab him with it out of first reaction. Kakashi comes, and pushes Zabuza away from me.

“Nell, don't be so reckless. Fine your book, later.”

“I'm sorry, Kakashi-sensei, but I need that book.” I say running off. I quickly see my book where the rabbit was, and go get it. Then I sneak off. Yes I had other alternatives, other than finding my book. I go up a tree, and look around. Payne looks itching to fight, and Kathy's looking around probably doing what I'm doing, which is looking for Haku. Then I hear someone behind me, on my branch. I quickly turn around.

“What are you doing here, little girl?” Haku says.

“I could ask you the same thing, chick.” Yes I know Haku is a guy, but he looks so much like a girl.

“Well you're a mean little girl.”

“Sorry about that. Haku, I know who you are.”

“Interesting, and how do you know who I am?” Haku asks getting out a senbon.

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