Their Gummy and the Brain! Don't ask.

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Nothing much to say other than I don't own Naruto. So um yea...

Nell: Neko!!!

Neko: What do you want?

Nell: A hug.

Neko: Why?

Nell: Because I want one.

Neko: *Hugs Nell while being totally confused*

Nell: Not from you!!!!

Neko: Then who?

Nell: Itachi!

Neko: No.

Nell: Gaara, then?

Neko: Maybe later.

Nell: OK.

Here be the chapter.

We continue walking, and a song pops in my head that I just have to sing.


Gummy Bears are chasing me

One is red and one is blue

One is trying to eat my shoe

Now I'm going to run for my life

Because the red one has a knife.

“What the- you know what never mind.” Kakashi says.

“Shut up, its a song.” I say and we continue walking.

“Hey, Tazuna-san.” Sakura said. You know I need a nickname for her so I do puke every time she talks... hmm... maybe no that won't work... or no... Oh I know Pinky. Yup she's now Pinky. Oh wait that reminds me of that old cartoon show called Pinky and the Brain. Damn now I have the theme song suck in my head.

“Damn you, Sakura!” I yell at her.

“What'd I do?”

“You made me think of an awesome song, and now I want to sing it.”

“Why don't you then? You usually just sing anyway.”

“Oh right I forgot I've made that normal for you.” I say.

“Wait what are you going to sing?” Kathy asks.

“Um I was thinking the Pinky and the Brain theme song.”

“Oh I love that song.

They're Pinky and The Brain,” She starts off.

Yes, Pinky and The Brain,” I continue.

One is a genius,” I point to Kathy.

The other's insane.” She points to me.

They're laboratory mice

Their genes have been spliced,” Payne joins in.

They're dinky

They're Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain

Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain

Brain.” All three of us sing.

Before each night is done

Their plan will be unfurled

By the dawning of the sun

They'll take over the world.” I say.

They're Pinky and The Brain

Yes, Pinky and The Brain

Their twilight campaign

Is easy to explain.

To prove their mousey worth,” Kathy and I sing.

They'll overthrow the Earth

They're dinky,” The three of us sing.

They're Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain

Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,” Kathy and Payne sing.

Narf!” Of course that's me.

“Such good times.” I say.

“How did that song remind you of me?” Pinky asks.

“Well I don't want to puke every time I talk to you so I was thinking of nicknames, and Pinky happened to be one.” I say.

“Anyway . . . Tazuna?” Pinky asks.

“What is it?” Tazuna says. Cool everything so far is happening the same way it did before.

“You're from the Land of the Waves, right?”

What about it?”

“Kin-sensei or Kakashi-sensei, are there also ninja in that country?”

“No, there are no ninja in the Land of the Waves. But while the culture and customs of other countries may be different, hidden villages and ninja do exist.” Kakashi explains. Kin looks like she's too zoned out to hear them. I might like that sensei. Well if she stops making fun of Payne without me. “To many countries that exist on this land the existence of ninja villages is the equivalent of the country's military powers. In other words, that is how they are able to maintain the relationship with neighboring countries.” Wow I'm impressed with myself. I actually listened to the whole thing! Yes! Now I wonder what was Kin-sensei spacing about?

“Kin-sensei, are you okay?” I ask her.

“Huh? Oh yea I'm fine, why?”

“You seem to be spacing.”

“Oh I'm just thinking.”

“About what?”

“Can Kathy do any special Jutsu that you know of?”

“Um no, Not that I can think of, why?”

“She's been getting headaches a lot.” I nod looking at Kathy who is listening to Kakashi.

“I have been, too. Um I know what its from though but I'll talk to her about it later.”

“Good, that can put my mind at ease.”

Nell: Ok Its later. Now where's my hug?

Neko: You have to wait.

Nell: Why?

Neko: Because I get mine first. Duh!

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