I'm on a boat with birdies

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Sorry for not updating last week.

Nell: You b****. You forgot about me!

Neko: No I didn't, Didn't you read the last one? I was swamped with tests.

Nell: Oh school sucks. I'm gald I'm not in it.

Neko: I can bring you back to your world, and change that for you.

Nell: O.O NNNOOO!!! I'll be good. Don't send me back to that h*** hole.

Neko: OK I won't.

Nell: Thank you!

Neko: Or will I? hmm I don't know.

Any who I don't own Naruto, and Here's the chappy.

So we've been walking for oh 3 to 4 hours, and my feet are killing me. How do they do it? Oh yea most ninjas don't have a race with their teammates, meaning I challenged Naruto, then Kathy challenged me after I won, then Payne, and I used blackmail to get Sasugay to race me after I won that. No wonder I'm tired.

“Kathy, carry me! I'm tired!” I wine.

“Well its your own fault.”

“No!!!!” I anime cry. “Wow cool. I anime cried!” Kathy facepalms.

“Anyway . . .” Kakashi drags out, “We need to go by boat for a little while, and quietly.” He states.

“Yay!” I yell.

“Shh!” They yell at me. Oh right quietly. So we get into the boat, and sit in it for like 10 minutes. Then I get bored.

“I'm on a boat.” I start singing to myself. “I'm on a boat. Everyone look at me. 'Cause I'm sailing on a boat.”

“What- Why did that pop into you head?”

“Well it was either that or row row row your boat gently down the stream-”

“NO!” Payne yells at me.

“Shh! Be quiet.” I say. 'Haha not me this time.' We all are quiet for awhile after that. I start falling asleep but then I hear an annoying voice.

“The mist is so thick. I can't see what's ahead.” 'Can you guess who that annoying person was? Let's give you another clue.'

“Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Bubblegum head.” Kathy replies. 'If you guessed that if was Sakura *gag * then you were right. Tell them what they've won, Rial.'

“You don't have anything to give them.” He says. 'Well, um hey. Fine if you comment about this then I'll make Neko give you a dedication.' “As if people want one of those.” 'Shut it Rial! Let's get back to the annoying Pinky.'

We should be able to see the bridge soon. If we move along side the bridge, we'll be at the Land of the Waves.” The rower person dude said.

“It's huge!” Naruto yells.

“Haha that's what she said.” I comment.

“Hey, be quiet! We're using this boat and hiding in the mist... That's why I'm rowing instead of using the engine. In other words, if we get caught, we'll be in trouble.”

“That really sucks.”

“Tazuna-san . . . Before the boat gets to the pier, there's something I need to ask you. The identity of the ones who are after you, and the reason they are after you. Or we can call this mission off when you get ashore, Tazuna-san.” Kakashi says. Damn that's a long thing to just say tell us what's going on or we leave.

“It looks like I have to tell you the real story. I mean I would like for you to hear my story. As you said, this mission is most likely out of your job description. An extremely terrible man is after my life.” Tazuna says. Wow I haven't fell asleep yet! Yes I'm getting better with these long speeches I've heard a million times from Naruto Weekend fests.

“An extremely terrible man?” Kakashi repeats.

“Kakashi you sound like a parrot. Oh I know you're all birds. Kakashi's the parrot, Sasugay is a duck, Sakura is a lyre bird, and N-”

“What's a lyre bird?” Kathy asks.

“You know those ones that mimic the things they hear.”

“Oh those are so cool.”

“Can we have this conversion later?” Kakashi asks.

“Oh yea. So Tazuna tell us.” I say.

“Yes an extremely terrible man.” Tazuna states getting back on track.

“Who is it?” Kakashi asks.

“You should have all at least heard of the name... Marine transportation billionaire Gato.” I growl under my breath. I really don't like Gato.

“Gato? The one from the Gato company? He's one of the richest men in the world.”

“Who's that? What?” Naruto asks.

“An a**hole in disguises.” I growl to Naruto. And yes I'm pretty much growling.

“Yes, he is the president of a marine transportation company on the outside... But underground, he uses gangs and ninjas to smuggle drugs and contraband goods. He also does nasty jobs like takeovers of other companies and countries. A year ago, he set his sights on the Land of the Waves. He entered this country using violence and wealth as his shield and he quickly took over the island's sea traffic and transportation. On an island like the Land of the Waves, controlling the sea means ruling over the wealth, politics, and people of this island. The one thing that Gato is afraid of is the completion of the bridge that has been under construction for quite some time.” Tazuna rants. Damn it Tazuna shut up before I kill you myself!

“I see. So you, as the one building the bridge became an obstacle to him.” Sakura says.

“Then those ninjas were sent by Gato.” Sasugay states.

“But I don't understand. He's a dangerous man that uses ninjas. Why did you hide that fact when you came to us?” Kakashi says.

“The Land of the Waves is a really poor country. Even the Feudal Lord does not have much money. And we don't have much either. We don't have the money to request for an expensive B-rank or above mission.” All I got out of that was 'ya-die ya-die yada we're poor.' “If you quit your mission after I land, I'll be killed for sure... While you go home. But there's no need for you to blame yourselves. Only my cute 8 year old grandson will cry and cry and cry some more.” Oh blackmail is sweet.

“What...” Naruto and Pinky say.

“And my daughter will hold a grudge against Konoha ninja and live a lonely life. But its not your fault.” Kathy starts giggling mumbling about blackmail. Kakashi and Kin look at each other for a second then nod. Look there talking with there minds!

“I guess it can't be helped. We will continue escorting you.” Kakashi says.

“That's good to hear.” Tazuna says.

“Yes!” I shout and am quickly shh-ed.

“We're almost there. Tazuna, it looks like we haven't been noticed yet.” Rower dude says.

“Thanks.” He says, and we go through the tunnel. Wow this place really is pretty.

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