Test? What test? Damn it don't scare me like that!

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I still don't own Naruto. But that doesn't make it any less awesome!

“Nell, come on we got the graduation test, today.” Payne says. Wait a middle school graduation test? I get up a little confused, but then I look at where I am.

“Oh you mean the Ninja Academy graduation test.” I say.

“Yea, what'd you think we were in our world or something.”

“Yea I thought you were talking about a middle school graduation test.” He just laughs at me.

“Come on time to go.” Since I'm already up I just go get ready instead of putting up a fight. Soon we're all walking to the Academy. We get to Academy and soon we're all waiting to be called. I zone out and wait. Then I hear Naruto being called. Poor kid. Well at least that jerk of a sensei helps Naruto pass later. I zone out more.

“Takashme,” my new last name gets my attention, “Kathy.” Damn this is annoying. Kathy goes, and comes back with her headband all happy.

“Nell you're up,” she tells me. Great *yawn* time to get a headband. I walk into the room, and see Iruka-sensei and it, yea that's a good name for him since I can't remember his real name I know it starts with an M oh well I don't care.

“Alright Nell can you make some clones for us?” Iruka says.

“How many?” I say.

“About three or four would be good.” So I make five just to go higher than needed. “Very good pick a headband.” I look at all the headbands blue isn't my color.

“Um do you have any black ones?”

“Only for those who ask.” Iruka says, and hands me one. “Oh and you're brother's next.” I start to walk back thinking of where I want to put my headband. I just put it in my bag for now. I open the door to the classroom.

“Payne go.” I say as I start to leave. I see Kathy start to follow me. I go outside and lean on the building.

“Did you get a headband?” Kathy asks.

“No duh its just in my bag.” I say. Then Payne comes out.

“I hate being last. Oh well I'm ninja Payne now alright.” He says happily. All our class and their parents are outside now. It kindof makes me miss my mom. Oh well.

“I'll be right back.” I say, and walk to Naruto who's sitting on the swing. I look at him, and hug him. He totally wasn't expecting that.

“W-what are you doing?”

“You looked like you needed a hug. It'll be OK Naruto. Just try as hard as you can.” I say then I walk away leaving Naruto extremely confused. I grab Payne and Kathy's hands and drag them away.

OH NO I messed up the Naruto worldWhere stories live. Discover now