Tom slowly began to smile. "Fine."


As I promised, I spent five more minutes with Sam on the piano. Afterwards, Tom, Harry, and I were going to venture through a town located on the outskirts of London. Harry enjoyed taking photos so Tom and I agreed that we'd let him take some photos of us together while we still had time together.

The first stop was on this cobblestone sidewalk area with lots of brick buildings. It was absolutely lovely. I wore blue jean shorts with a casual but nice white top and a thin golden necklace with a pendant on it.

"All I'm going to say is, act coupley but not too coupley. Okay?" Harry said. Honestly, I had no clue what he was trying to get at.

"Oh, whatever Harry! Let us be," said Tom.

I laughed and grabbed Tom's hand.

What I loved about this 'photo shoot' was that it really was just Tom and me together. The photos of us laughing were really us laughing. There was no pressure to do certain poses while sitting on a stool or standing in awkward positions to get 'good' shots. It was truly, just pure and natural. These photos truly describe us, not a magazine company.

"Okay, just do something," said Harry, trying to direct us.

"I'm jumping on you," I said, walking behind Tom. I jumped on his back and he held my legs, giving me a piggy-back.

Harry adjusted his position and camera and then instructed us to move a little towards our right.

After a few seconds, he began to move farther away from us. "Stay still!" He called. "I have to grab my other lense!"

Tom remained as still as he could. He held me like I was nothing. "You know, I'm so happy that you could come to London," said Tom. I rested my chin on his shoulder.

I sighed, "Me too. It's amazing. I've always wanted to come here, and my expectations were definitely surpassed. It's definitely lived, up to what I expected and more," I said quietly in Tom's ear so that only he could hear my voice. "I larb you."

"Wait, what?" Tom asked in a startled voice. I couldn't tell if he was shocked in a good or bad way, or maybe he actually didn't hear me.

Wait, what? What did I just say? Did I mean to say it? It just came out...

Now, I felt even more worried, because he wasn't saying it back.

Tom turned his head towards me and began to smile. "You do?"

I began to chuckle nervously. "I mean, I love you."

After a few seconds, he didn't say anything. And then, I began to ramble, "If-If you don't feel the same way, please, please, don't say it. I really want you to mean it-"

He put me gently on the ground and turned around. "N-No, of course! I love you too, Zara. I-I love you."

A wave of relief rushed through me. "Oh thank the Lord. I've wanted to say that for a really long time..."

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