29. Post Premiere

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Zara Costanza

The premiere ended quite late, but earlier I agreed with Tom that I'd watch a movie with him. Once we got to the hotel, I quickly went to my room to change into comfy shorts and a hoodie and I took off the makeup from earlier. I grabbed my toothbrush and headed straight to his hotel room.

When I got to Tom's hotel room, he was all ready for bed. He jumped onto his bed and reached for his phone. He also put on his glasses which I actually quite adored on him. 

"What movie do you want to watch?" he asked. He reached for the television remote and turned on the television. He went through each of the movies and tv shows. "We should start watching the Walking Dead," said Tom.

I sat down beside him with my back propped up against the bed frame. 

I smirked, "I really like you with glasses on. It looks adorable," I said, I didn't even realize that I was blatantly staring at him.

He turned a light shade of red, "Thank you, love. I think I now understand how you felt when I stared at you."

I giggled, "Yeah, but the difference is, I didn't notice at all. Also, you're my boyfriend now, so I can shamelessly stare and admire." I kissed him on the cheek, causing him to smile. "And I'm the worst with horror, so I'd prefer that we don't watch the Walking Dead. Just because, a few years ago, I watched the first two episodes and I had nightmares for an entire week! What about a Disney movie or something wholesome," I suggested.

"That's why you'd watch horror with me, that way I can protect you," said Tom, trying to seem all buff and protective.

I laughed, "Nice try, Spider-Man, but apparently, Zendaya and Laura handled watching horror movies better than you, Jacob, Tony, and Harrison combined. Don't get me wrong, you can be protective, but I don't know if you'd want to hear me screaming all night," I added.

From my recollection, the last time I watched a horror movie was when I was probably about 12. Since then, I haven't been able to deal with it at all.

"Fair enough. If you really, really, want to watch Disney, there's Tangled," Tom suggested. I was quite surprised that he was willing to watch a Disney movie.

"That sounds perfect. I'm going to go and brush my teeth," I said, leaving the room. I began to brush my teeth and everything was normal until I heard music and talking just outside. At first, I thought I was hallucinating because I could have sworn it was just Tom and I in his room a minute ago.

"Tom, is someone-" I poked my head out of the washroom and rubbed my eyes. "Harrison? Jacob?" The three of them were blasting that song where they'd film themselves dancing to (Sexual by NEIKED). "Seriously? At this hour?" I asked in disbelief. They did this all the time on set and they would post it on their social media. 

"Come join us!" Jacob yelled, louder than the music.

I continued brushing my teeth and walked over to the three of them who were still dancing. "How do you have this much energy? We literally went to a premiere. And it's nearly 2am," I said, trying to think of some sort of logic to their idea. "You guys are unbelievable."

Harrison turned the camera to me and I felt the need to give them some enthusiasm. With my toothbrush in my mouth, I sang to the song, and they all cheered, then they continued to sing along.

I watched all of them scream the lyrics and laughed. "We're definitely going to get a noise complaint," I said while chuckling. 

The three of them only continued to sing louder. I walked back to the washroom and finished brushing my teeth. Then, I walked back into the hotel room.

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