28. World Premiere

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Zara Costanza

The day has finally come, the world premiere for Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Moreover, I was going to meet the rest of Tom's family (except for one of his brothers). The premiere didn't start until late in the afternoon, so Tom and I arranged for me to meet his family earlier in the day. For the premiere, a lot of the cast were in the same hotel. Tom texted me the room number he was staying in, so I was trying to find it right now.

Once I found the room, I knocked on it a few times.

A small boy with curly orange-brown hair opened the door.

"Hi!" I said, realizing that it was Paddy, Tom's youngest brother.

"Hi. You must be Zara," said the young boy. I couldn't help but fall in love with his cute little British accent. I saw him through Tom's FaceTime a few months ago when we were friends, but I never met Paddy in person.

"Pads, who is it? Room service?" I heard Tom's voice call from another room.

Paddy turned around and yelled, "No, it's Zara!" He let me inside the hotel room.

I could hear rustling coming from one of the other rooms. "Your girlfriend? I finally get to meet her?" I heard another voice say. I assumed that it was his mom's.

"Yes, mum. Please don't embarrass me too much in front of her," I heard Tom say.

"Since when do I embarrass you?"

I smiled and pretended that I didn't hear what she said, because I wasn't sure if I was supposed to respond. Paddy led me to the room where Tom's parents were.

"Hi, I'm Zara," I said, giving both of his parents a small wave. Nervous is an understatement. This is Tom's family. I didn't want to mess this up, out of all things.

"Hi, dear! It's so great to finally meet you!" Tom's parents both hugged me.

"How have you been? Was your flight alright?" his mom asked. She reminded me of my own mom. She had dirty blonde hair and the vibes I got around her were very motherly.

"I've been doing pretty well. My flight was good. How was yours?"

"Great! Congratulations on the movie of course! So what are you going to do after Spider-Man is out?" asked Tom's dad.

At first, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to tell them about the top-secret project or not. Was I supposed to? "I have this other movie, but I can't really talk about it until Disney-they release some information," I bit my bottom lip after I finished speaking. I may have accidentally slipped who I was working with... my parents didn't even know about the project.

I really didn't mean to accidentally spoil who I was working with...

"Disney! You'll be working with Disney? Oh my, that's huge! Tom, you didn't tell us that Zara was going to be on Disney! What movie are you going to be filming?" Mrs. Holland asked excitedly.

I laughed nervously, "Sorry, Mrs. Holland I'm actually not supposed to say a word. Just keep it a secret, okay?"

"Of course! Please, call me Nicola and my husband, Dominic. Where are you from again, dear?"

"I'm from Canada. A small town close to Toronto," I said.

"Oh, I have a friend that lives in Toronto. It's a beautiful city. A lot like London, actually," said Dominic.


After hanging out with Tom's family, I decided to go back to my hotel room. His family was great! I really liked them all! They were kind and Nikki (Tom's mom) even hugged me at the end. It couldn't have ended better. I actually really enjoyed spending time with his family because they made me feel so welcomed.

Status: On-ScreenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum