31. Flight

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Zara Costanza

Tom and I were currently waiting at the airport to depart for our flight to London, England. We sat in a lounge as we waited to board our flight. It was just our luck that the flight had been delayed. Coincidentally, it's also July 7th. Meaning the movie is being released today. Tom promised me that we'd see the movie in the theatre tonight with his family.

My head was resting on Tom's shoulder as we waited. "I can't wait to reach London. First off, it's absolutely beautiful-"

"And very rainy," Tom added.

"Second, Harry Potter-the Cursed Child play! One day when I'm in London, we're going to see it," I said eagerly. My childhood was full of memories of reading and watching Harry Potter. Ever since the Cursed Child play was released, I have been dying to go and see it.

"Maybe not this trip to London, but in the future for sure. Why is it that you sound more excited about London, itself than you do for Spider-Man?"

I took my head off of Tom's shoulder and looked at him funnily. "Of course, I'm excited for Spider-Man: Homecoming! It's definitely being one of my favourites-actually, my favourite movie ever to film, and it's being released to dozens of countries today! I can't wait for the world to see the movie," I sighed and gave him a soft smile.

"I promise, I'm very excited! Let me put it this way: we can go to London anytime, but it's not common for us to be in the same movie. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of Marvel as well. I'm freaking out that I'm actually a part of the MCU! But you know who should be more excited for tonight? You. This is your movie, Tom. Why aren't you excited?"

"Of course, I'm excited! I just have to keep it all in because I feel like I could literally run a marathon if I didn't," said Tom.

"You're actually Spider-Man," I said while smiling.

"You're actually a princess," he said, mimicking my tone.

I clenched my teeth in nervousness. "Don't say it like that. It freaks me out." Chills ran down my spine as I thought of myself as a Disney princess.

"You're a part of the MCU and Disney. I mean, I guess Disney owns the MCU, but still... on top of that, you were on Greys. You're only 20. That's bloody amazing, Zar. You've got no idea. Before you know it, you'll have won a few Oscars for yourself."

I elbowed Tom's arm. "Don't say that. I only got to be a part of the MCU by chance. Same with Greys. Disney only wanted me for being so young and kind. My career is literally all based off of a fluke. And come on, I'm not getting an Oscar. People like Marisa Tomei get Oscars."

Tom wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You're too humble. You do know you can brag all you want around me."

I scoffed, "If I were to brag to anyone, it would only make me feel terrible. Anyway, stop making this day about me. I'll have my day in almost a year for Anastasia, but today is dedicated to you. You're the star of the movie. I'm really proud of you, Tom. The first time I ever saw you on-screen was for Civil War. And since then, you've only continued to impress me. So, congrats, Holland. You're Spider-Man," I pressed my lips against his cheek.

"Thanks. It means a lot. Especially because it's coming from you."

"Aww. I lo-like-" I realized that I was about to say, love. "I really like that shirt on you. You should wear it more often," I said randomly.

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