"i guess. see you later then." jimin said as he turned around and began to walk to the front door. his stomach clenched as he walked further from the wooden plank separating him from what was behind it, what was potentially hidden.

i shouldn't doubt him, but this seems sketchy.

the second jimin left, taehyung shut the door and locked it, turning around and leaning his back against it. seconds later, the boy broke out into a bundle of tears, sliding down the door and to the floor. he felt horrible. he couldn't even bear to let his boyfriend touch him. not to mention he had basically kicked him out and lied to him. taehyung felt horrible, but jimin could never find out about what happened.

if i tell him what happened, he'll think i'm lying just like jungkook.

the boy cried harder, but silently, into the blankets wrapped around him, gasping for breath as he felt his stomach turn. why him? why did this have to happen to him? this could potentially ruin his relationship, his first proper, serious relationship. 

"i'm sorry jimin." taehyung whispered, tears falling down his cheeks.

jimin sat, sipping coffee across from namjoon two days after. it had been a while since the two had just sat down and had a catch up, and it was honestly nice.

"and then seokjinnie chased the cat from under the bed and- are you okay? you seem distant." namjoon suddenly said as he looked at jimin, who was staring into his coffee cup, right index finger circling the rim. 

"huh? oh yeah, it's nothing. continue with your story." jimin sat up, shaking his shoulder's and looking at namjoon properly. 

"nuh uh. tell me wht's wrong." namjoon crossed his arms. jimin sighed, getting ready to vent his thoughts.

"i'm worried about taehyung. or more importantly what he did at the club." jimin admitted.

"huh? he left early, didn't he? did he say why?" namjoon asked. 

"yeah. he said he was feeling sick." jimin played with his fingers.

"so why are you worried?"

"i know it sounds silly, but, i think maybe.. taehyung cheated on me." jimin blurted out. namjoon widened his eyes.

"what makes you think that?" namjoon cocked his eyebrow. 

"well, the night i was looking for him, jungkook said that he saw tae leave with another guy. i didn't wanna believe it at first, but i'm starting to doubt myself now." jimin shifted in his seat.

"why would you believe jungkook?" namjoon asked.

"i wouldn't." jimin admitted, "but tae said he left early because he felt sick. when i visited him a couple days ago, he seemed fine. a little off, but not sick. he wouldn't let me in his room, which was sealed shut, and he tried to get me to leave pretty quick. he wouldn't kiss me either. and, on top of that, i've tried seeing him since, but he keeps saying he's sick. it usually doesn't take three days to get over a bit of nausea." jimin explained. he wanted namjoon to reassure him, tell him there was nothing to worry about.

"maybe he's pregnant." namjoon chuckled, but jimin didn't find it funny. "okay, for real, if you genuinely think he's cheating on you, confront him. if you think he's lying, don't listen and leave. if you think he's telling the truth, then ask him to explain things. hopefully, you'll get a logical answer." 

jimin nodded, before standing up. 

"i'm gonna go do that now. i'm sorry to cut our coffee chat short, but if i don't find this out now i won't be able to concentrate." jimin said as he picked up his phone from the table.

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