Enjoying the simplicity of it, you shrugged and said: 'Yeah we'll go with that,'

Nodding, she keyed in a couple of things in her computer before standing up and motioning for you to follow her.

'Guys,' you hollered at them. 'Come on!' you shouted.

The scraping of chair against floor could be heard as the boys stood up and followed you. The female staff directed you to a dimly lit room which was decorated with artistic graffiti and splashes of neon paint, illuminating the room with a sort of eerie glow.

At the sides, there were a bunch of vests with clusters of glowing LED lights on the shoulder, back and chest area.

'Pick your vests and guns,' she said, motioning to the vests which had a laser gun attached to each of it with a strong cord. 'Now,' she explained as we chose our vests. 'Each of your guns have a code name and with that code we can judge who is the best shot out of the 8 of you based on your accuracy and frequency, but this is also a team game so it's up to you guys to choose to go in pairs of teams of four,' she said, repeating her earlier instructions.

'I CALL DIBS ON JACKSON HYUNG,' Bam Bam immediately screamed making all of you burst out in laughter. It was true, Jackson was one of the best shots in the group, having trained before.

'I call dibs on Mark hyung!' Yugyeom said, sliding over to Mark who was surprised. Not known to many, Mark was ONE HELL OF A SHOT especially when he was on form and in laser tag.

'Fine, we have our captains then,' JB said clapping his hands together. 'It's up to them to choose the team mates then,' he decided, shooting a meaningful glance at Jackson.

Completely ignoring your brother, Jackson bounded to his feet and with his usual puppy-like smile, chose you without hesitation. Grinning, you moved over to his team as JB glowered at Jackson.

Each captain chose their team until all of you were evenly separated. Your team consisted of Bam Bam, you, Jackson and Jinyoung while the rest of the members were with Mark.

You're vests illuminated with blue LED lights while the other team glowed red so as not to confuse each other, lined up waiting to go in. 'Okay, blue team gets a head start of a minute and then the red team goes in, once you hear the horn, the game begins,' she said the final instructions, opening the heavy metallic door allowing your team to go in. As soon as you were in cold air rushed in your face, and the room was almost pitch black, with the same graffiti on the walls, and the room was split into all these narrow corridors with millions of nooks and crannies to hide in. Bass music thrummed through the speakers, shaking the ground and it felt as if your bones were vibrating as well.

'So what's the plan?' Bam Bam asked as he waited anxiously for the game to begin.

Wearing that roguish confident smirk of his he said simply. 'Don't get shot. See anything moves that's red, open fire like it's Armageddon, and don't shoot your teammates,' he shrugged, motioning for all of you to split up.

He must have had perfect timing because as soon as all of you were separated, the horn blared and electronic dance music blared through the speakers signaling the start of the game.

It was as if all hell had broken loose. Flashes of multi-coloured light swirled in your vision as you shot target after target. Thanking your quick reflexes you managed to slip and duck out of the other member's reach as they shot pointlessly after you, as lithe as a deer. You gasped running, twisting and turning around corners, the cold air burning your lungs. Your gun was shooting wildly, constantly hitting its unexpected target as you grinned running away before they could catch you. Screams (mostly coming from Bam Bam) could be heard as he ran madly around the maze, gun mostly forgotten, instead panicking.

Too soon, the second horn was sounded signaling the game was over. Exhausted and sweaty even in the cold, air-conned room, you made your way out laser gun, held limply by your side, embracing the warm humid air outside the game room. Nearly collapsing, you took of your vests as you watched the other boys file out looking equally excited but there was a certain excited light shining in their eyes. Taking their seats you could hear their breathing as labored as yours, sweat pouring down their faces as the chattered and bickered.

'I got you like 500 times,' Mark said animatedly smirking at Bam Bam.

'And I probably shot all of you at least 5 times,' Jackson boasted.

Scoffing, the members continued to argue, each guarding their own pride, but they were soon shut up as soon as the female staff projected the results on the board.

A grin formed on your face as soon as you saw who had grabbed top spot. 'Well, tough luck boys,' you grinned, as you saw your code name ranked first with Jackson second and Mark third.

Laughing at their flabbergasted faces, you shook your head as you went to the counter to get something to drink. By the time you got back and distributed the icy cold beverages, the boys were still open-mouthed staring at the results as if by sheer force of will they could change the results.

Patting your boyfriend and brother's shoulders sympathetically, you said. 'There's always next time boys, but for now, you're all going to have to admit you lost to a girl,' you grinned, packing your things. 'Also, I think I might have forgotten to mention, I was crowned champion in the Annual Laser Tag competition in Seoul last year, so you don't have to feel too bad' you winked dropping the bombshell on them as you plucked the car keys from Jackson's outstretched hand, before giving him a kiss on the cheek, heading to the parking lot, leaving the boys to scramble frantically behind you. 

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