Chapter 32

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Piper and i arrive to our bedroom and we decide to take a quick shower and put on some shorts and t-shirt, comfy clothes. I make my hair into a bun and then take off my make up.

- I'm hungry. - Piper suddenly says.

- Me too. - I slightly notice a small kick near my ribs. - And it looks like this baby is too. - I smirk.

- Talking about the baby... When will you know if it's boy or girl? And how will you name it?

- In a few days i think so. I'm due in some months yet... And, well, Leo and i decided that if it was a girl he would name her and if he was a boy, that it's what i feel it's gonna be, then i would name him... But i don't know what will happen with Leo, i don't know where he is and how to contact him. - I say sadly.

- Oh, i'm sorry Liv. - She hugs me. - I am going right now for some pizza and a cool movie, okay? - She stands up, kisses my cheek and then leaves our room.

I lay on my bed facing up and i feel again that kick.

- I know... I miss him too. - I mumble.

Since a couple of days, i have started feeling those small kicks on my tummy, and i kinda started too to communicate with that lil bump of mine. It's weird to think that a big and strong bond is building up between me and another living thing, my living thing. A human that Leo and i have created and that will depend on us.

A phone starts ringing and takes me out of my thoughts. I stand up and start looking for that phone, which comes out that is mine.

Private number.

Seconds after, i decide to answer.

- Hello?

- Liv! - I hear saying my name and then a big relieve. That voice at the other side of the phone, makes me remain quiet, in shock.

- Leo? - I finally say with almost tears on my eyes.

- Oh baby, i'm so so sorry i didn't call you before... It was so difficult to find you, i did what i could and... - He starts saying so fast.

- I missed your voice. -I cut him off.

- I missed yours too... Auch!

- Are you okay? - I ask worried.

- Yeah, it's just all these trees. What campus has this many? Is here where your father wanted to send us? - He complains.

- Wait, campus?! Are you here? In Montana? - I freak out.

- Oh yeah my love, now move your butt, open the door and show your head through the hall, so i know which bedroom.

I run to the door, open it and there i see him. He smiles big, still with his phone on his ear.

- There you are. - He says through the mobile and then hangs up.

I run towards him and he picks me up in the air. We hug each other for like an eternity and then he pressed his lips on mines, making the butterflies appear on my tummy.

- Hey baby, how were you without me? - He smiles.

- Hum... Bored. -I smile back and kiss him.

I hold his hand and guide him into my room. He lays me on the bed and starts kissing my neck, gosh i missed him so much... My hand plays with his long brown hair and he caresses my back while plays with my bra.
Suddenly my phone on my pocket starts ringing and vibrating. I groan, making then Leo separate.

- Answer. - He says looking at me.

- Just leave it.

- Liv. - He rises his eyebrow.

I pick up my phone and answer.

- What? - I groan again after seeing who was calling.

- Chill Liv. I just wanted to know who called you through private number. - My dad says. I take a deep breath.

- Dad, stop. Are you going to bother me everytime you unknow a number? - I say seriously. Leo remains quiet while looking at me.

- Yeah Liv, i am. Now tell me, who called you? Don't make me go there. - He threats me.

- It was Piper dad, my room mate.

- Oh...

- Yeah, oh... - I roll my eyes, and Leo lets out a small laugh. - I have to go now okay?

- Bye Liv.

- Bye dad. - I say before hanging up. My dad had lost his confidence on me and who knows what more.

- He doesn't trust on me anymore... - I say sadly.

- Well, if my daughter gets pregnant of the son of my future wife... I wouldn't trust either. - He says.

- Thank you, that helped me a lot. - I punch him on the shoulder.

- Sorry girl, but you have to understand him too, right?... But that doesn't mean i'm gonna leave you.

He kisses me, but i have to cut him off because of a sharp pain on my pelvis. I have no idea what it is, but i'm pretty sure that they are not the butterflies. I lay on the bed and make myself a ball, grabbing my stomach.

- Liv! What's wrong?! - I hear him say, but i can just groan. - Liv answer me!

In that moment i listen the door open and Piper's voice.

- What happens?! - She says loudly.

- We need to take her to the hospital right now. - Leo picks me up, and i just let myself be carried while i close my eyes defeated by pain.

I blink several times until i can open my eyes.

- You finally woke up young lady. I'm so glad you are okay. - My dad, who is next to my hospital bed, states.

I just want to get out of here, i hate hospitals and i have been more times here during this year than in my whole life.

- Where... where is Leo? - I ask worried and looking around me. I only want to be with him.

- I told you not to talk or be with that guy anymore Olivia.

- Hi Olivia. -The doctor enters the room. - How are you feeling? - Always the same phrase, the same question.

- I'm good, thanks.

- That's good. - He says, he looks at his papers and then back at me. - You know you are pregnant, don't you? Well, that pain were contractions... Because it's your first pregnancy and your body has't experienced anything like that before, they are strong and more sharp. - I nod. - They will go away in a few days, just put something warm on the lower part of your stomach and rest.

- Thank you doctor. - My dad says.

- You can leave the hospital when the intravenous ends, okay? - The doc says before he exits the room.

I sigh and then look through the window on my bedroom that shows to the hall, where Leo is standing, smiling at me.
I smile back and i can read an i love you on his lips, before Randye appears with a warm smile behind him, holds his arm and takes him away from there, making me wonder when will be the next time i see him, that i feel him close.


[ Hello hello helloooo

GUYSSSS! This was THE END of the whole story!!! I cant believe that i wrote a whole story, a story that has almost 6k of reads!

Thank you to every and each one of you for reading, voting, commenting and put so much preassure on me to finish it!

I cant believe it has taken me a whole year to write this. Im sorry for my lazinest and delay it took me to write and post, but on my defense i wanted to be 100% for you guys, so i could write as great as i can!

Hope you liked this first novel, yes i said FIRST, because... THERE IS A SEQUEL!!! its called MY LIFE WITH THEM!
And i will start to post whenever i can, you already know me...

Thank you again guys! I wouldnt be doing this without you... Ps: Comment what do you think about the story! Xxx ]

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