Chapter 25

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I wake up with a terrible neck ache. I am layed on the floor and my cousins are both asleep in my bed. Just a couple days more Liv.

After Leo took off those ropes from me, my dad and Randye came home and of course my cousins behaved like angels.

I stand up pick up today's outfit and enter in the bathroom. I let the warm water run through my neck and down. It really feels good. I brush my hair and braid it, making like a crown with it.

I go downstairs and notice how Cameron stares at me up and down. I don't know why is he always doing that from the first day he came, but i can see Leo staring him back with a serious look.
Leo and i start eating breakfast so fast. It's like if we had agreed to leave home as fast as possible. None of us wants to spend time with them.

A few minutes later Leo is driving me to class. When we arrive i take my backpack, say goodbye to him and get out of the car.

- Liv wait. - Leo says getting out from the car. I turn around.

- What? - I start walking towards him.

- You forgot something.

- Wha...? - I am about to say until Leo puts his lips with mines.

He holds me by my waist and kisses me softly. I smile and then pull away. We are in front of high school, anyone can see us. He smiles at me, i kiss his cheek and then leave.

First period. Art class. I take out all my drawing stuff. I have been trying to raise my grades by my own, so i don't have to take his extra classes. Anyway it's May, there are just some weeks left until high school ends.

Luke enters the room and smiles at me before starting the lesson. What was that for? I look down at my notebook. No eye contact with him Liv.
He starts explaining and then tells us to pair up with someone. I look around and see Spencer sitting on his own. It's been a while since we talk, we have been distant and i don't know why but it kind of affects me.

- Hey, can i sit with you? - I ask him.

- Hi. - He looks at me. - Sure. - I sit next to him and start drawing whatever the teacher said to.

- Are you mad at me? - I suddendly say.

- No, why should i be?

- I don't know. You are kind of weird.

- Hum... I've heard stuff. Rumours. - He now looks nervous.

- What kind of rumours?

- Olivia... Is it true that you sleep with your brother? - What?! My heartbeat stops.

- What? What the heck are you talking about? - Now i'm the one who is nervous, very. Why does he know?! The only one who know is Luke! And he wouldn't... Oh shit!

- Bah... Forget it. It's just rumours. I didn't believe them, you know? - He focuses again on his drawing. - Do you imagine, sleeping with your brother? That would be so gross! - He laughs.

- Yeah... So gross. - I fake laugh trying to hide the truth.

I look at Luke, who is smiling at me again. I gulp and pull away my sight. If it has been him, i don't care he is my teacher, i'm killing him!
The bell rings and everyone starts leaving the room. I stay in my sit, until everyone has left the class.
I need to talk to him. I realize he is still looking at me the way he has been doing the whole hour. I look at him mad. The door finally closes.

- What's your plan? - I say serious.

- What's yours? - He stands up and places in front of his table.

- I asked you first. - I stand up and sit on my desk.

- I'll let you come to me, by yourself. - He smirks.

- You are dreaming too much.

- Are you sure Olivia? - He walks towards me, i try to go backwards but the desk doesn't let me. He opens my legs and places in front of me, just a few centimetres from me. He removes a lock of hair from my face and puts it behind my ear. - You like me that much, that i know you won't stop me now.

He kisses me by force. He takes my face in his hands, holding me close. I bite him so he lets me go, but he just groans and kisses me harder. I try to run but he is stronger. The voices of teachers walking towards the class, makes him pull away.

I quickly pick my bag and leave the room right before another teacher enters the class to talk with him. My heart is at one hundread beats. I am atonished and so nervous, freaking out.

I walk outside to the football stairs and sit there alone. There are some guys training, girls cheerleading and others just hanging there, the rest are inside the building in their respective subject, but i decide to skip that period. What if other people knows? What if dad discovers? Or if Leo discovers about Luke?

The next hours pass by very very slow. My head hurts, i'm kind of dizzy and sometimes i have the urge of vomiting, and all this because of all of the thinking, i just want to go home and never again see my art teacher.

- Hey. - Leo says when classes are finally over and i enter in the car.

- We are in trouble.

- What? - He says confused.

- About us!

- Can you explain yourself Liv?

- Do you remember Spencer? Well, today he asked me is i slept with my brother, because there are rumours... And of course i denied it! But i don't know! What if anyone else knows what we do?! - I say exploding.

- What's wrong with that? - Seriously Leo?!

- What's wrong?! Are you kidding me?! My dad, Randye?!

- Hum yeah... I think we should tell them. - He says.

- Are you insane?!

- We'll tell first to my mom, she won't take it so bad... I hope. - I look at him surprised.

- Tell her what idiot?! You and me aren't anything... We aren't even dating! - I yell.

- Oh right... Wanna go out tonight? - He smiles. I remain silent, forgetting about all and letting go the stress about the rumours. I have to admit that i was over reacting so much...

- Sure. I would love to. - I smile back. Then he starts driving home.

[ Hi guyss!

Hope you enjoyyy this chapteer! Who do you think that spread those rumours??? Will their parentss discover?? Keep readiing to know! But firsstt... Date time! They r soo cuute!!

Ps: Happy mondayy... I hatee mondays.

Lovee uu thankss for readiing!]

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