Chapter 29 (Part II)

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I walk as fast as my legs let me, to the cafeteria. What the heck was that Olivia?! You're such an idiot! How did you let something that big out?! I enter the large room and see Kelli and Billy sitting on a table. I go there and sit there in silence, just groaning and sighting.

- What's up with you? - She asks.

- Hum... Nothing. - I say while i curl my hair nervously, with my fingers. I'm freaking out and i think i might have a heart attack... I don't even know what the work is about! - Kelli, what was the work about?

- It was a free theme work, colour pencils only and in pairs. - Spencer! - But because you weren't that day in class, Spencer paired up with other classmate. - Dang it! - There is only one person left... - She bites her lip. - Not Paris please... - Paris Berelc. - No!

Paris Berelc is the most popular girl at my grade. She is tall, with brown long hair, cute smile and good body. Everyone wants to be her friend and some of them, boyfriend. She is rude to people that isn't her friend or she isn't interested in. She is also very smart but not very sociable with guys who aren't her same "social class". I don't want to be with her cause she looks at me with a... Rude face! It kind of scares me...
Suddendly the bell rings, letting us know that classes begin again and the break was over.

- We've got to go Liv. See you. - She says before leaving with her boyfriend.

I nod and stand up. I walk to my next class which casually is the same one as Paris's. I sit on my desk and during the class turn around staring at her, with caution. At the end of the class, i pick up my things quickly and when almost everyone has left the room, i stand up and place next to Paris's one.

- Hey, i'm Olivia. - I say mumbling. She looks at me and remains quite with a rude expression.

- Oh, you are that girl that everyday after high school enters in a car with that Leo Howard. - She says.

- Yes.

- Man! That guy is so hot! - She smiles at her own words.

- Hum yeah... Hey, i wanted to ask you something. You go to my art class and i was wondering if you could lend me the final work, please. - I ask her very nervous.

- No. - She gets up and starts walking through the hall. I follow her. - Well... Only if you make Leo date me.

- What? - I say shocked.

- You heard me. I change my art work  for a date with him. - She stops and looks at me.

- Have you heard yourself? You sound desperate. - I tell her as brave as i can.

- You are the one who came begging me for the work, i'm just offering you a deal... And please decide now cause i have to go. - She says with a rude voice. I sight... What problem have i got into?

[ Heyy

Sorry this chapter is a bit short! I will update soon!
Dont forget to read my other story called "together"! And follow me on ig @oh_holt!

Byee xxx]

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