Chapter 29 (Part III)

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When the classes are over, i leave the building and see Leo waiting for me like everyday.

I enter the car and play with my hair nervously.

- Hey. - He says with a big smile. - Why are you nervous?

- Would you do me a favour? - I smile guilty.

- Sure Liv.

- Okay, so... Tomorrow you have a date with Paris Berelc, eight o'clock at In-N-Out. You don't have to wear anything special, just out on that shirt you have with... - I tell him quickly.

- Wait, what?

- Paris likes you, and i might have changed the work for a date with you. - I smirk.

- So, you sold your boyfriend for a work? - Wow, said by other person it sounds like i'm the desperate one... I bite my lip. - Fine, i'll go.

- Thank you! - I hug him and then kiss him rapidly. - Okay, rules. Don't kiss her, don't touch her and just talk to her in monosyllables.

- Liv, i have a girlfriend. Those are my rules forever. - He says making me blush.

We arrive home, he sits on the couch and i go to my room. I start my art work, copying from Paris's. I must finish this work today if i want to give it tomorrow to Luke.

After some hours working, i stop and realize that the house has been in silence many time. My dad and Randye aren't home yet, they are working. And Leo, i don't know what Leo is doing.

I stand up quickly and hit myself against the table, hurting my waist. I kneel down and sit on the floor until the pain reduces. I then place in front of the mirror and lift up my shirt. That is when i see two red and well-marked palms on my waist, near my stomach. Oh my gosh, Luke...

I can't believe what he did! I touch it gently, it really hurts. I put down my shirt again, hopefully Leo doesn't discovers it. I walk downstairs and i can hear now, someone in the kitchen. I enter and see Leo baking.

- What are you doing? - I ask with curiositg while i sit on the counter.

- I'm baking a cake. - He says proudly.

- Why?

- Because today we are telling my mum about us, and this will make her chill a bit.

- Oh. - I say happy. Wow, he really knows what he is doing.

He finishes his cake by putting it in the oven. He smiles, gets closer to me and starts kissing me passionately. I kiss him back, placing my arms around his neck and he places his hands around my waist. Wrong place. I groan of pain and pull away.

- What's wrong? - He asks confused.

- Hum, nothing. I should go finish my work. - I say trying to avoid him, but he knows i'm not a good liar.

I turn around, about to leabve the kitchen but he grabs me by my waist so i can't go. Wrong place, again. I groan more loud this time. He holds my arm tightly and lifts up my shirt, contemplating the two big palms on my stomach.

- Who did this? - He says almost shouting. - Who?! - He shouts at me now.

- Leo, chill okay? I'll tell you everything, just calm down. - I say holding his face gently so he calms.

We sit in the table and i start telling him everything that happened since the trip to the museum where he first kissed me, and the rest of things that happened after that, in his apartment, in Kelli's party... I look at Leo and i bet he is very angry. His face shows fury, his fists are closed with strenght and he breaths heavily, trying to control himself.

- He discovered about us and threatened me, then he tried to kiss me again today at the end of his class, i refused and this happened. - I say quietly.

In that moment he explodes, he hits the table with his hand scaring me and walks towards the principal door grabbing his car keys.

- Where are you going? - I say following him.

- To kill that jerk. - He states before slamming the door.

What the heck has just happened? I run back to the kitchen, take out from the oven the cake cause nobody wants a burning house, and grab my phone and house keys.
Then i start running to Luke's apartment, i still remember where he lives and it's not that far away.

I enter the building, then the elevator and when it opens, i can already hear the noises they are causing, the fighting. I try to open the door, but it's locked. I am freaking out with the noises i hear. They are hitting each other!

Then i remember that Luke keeps a key under the carpet, typical. I open and i wish i hadn't seen that scene. I shout when i see Luke punching Leo his face. They are going to kill each other!

- Leo stop! - I shout as loud as i can.

They are punching each other, one time each. First Leo hits him and Luke hits him back. I just shout trying to stop them, i grab a cushion and throw it at them hoping they stop, but i fail.

- Leo please!

In that moment the door opens with strenght and the cops enter directly, i don't know why but i am jhst thankful they did. They separate them.
The doctors from the ambulance take Luke to the hospital as he has serious wounds and another doctor, cures Leo in the living room.

Leo is sweating, his face is all red, with blood and i can still see his anger running through his veins. I sit next to him and hug him tight. He doesn't hug me back, but i don't pull him away from him either.

[ Heyyy

Thiss is part 3 of chapter 29! Hope u like it! Go check my other story!

Byeee xxx]

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