Chapter 28

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Guys! I have changed Edward's name to Luke's, Luke Benward... Sorry if now is confusing while reading, but i realized Edward is not a person with any type of relation with Olivia in real life, and it makes no sense writing about people like Spencer (Boldman) or Kelli (Berglund) if i don't know any Edward (except from Twilight, but he is a fictional character so it does not count xd). REMEMBER! LUKE BENWARD NOT EDWARD! I AM CHANGING THE NAME IN ALL THE CHAPTER'S!]

I place in front of the mirror and lift a bit my shirt. My tummy is still flat, but i know it will grow up soon, and that scares me and makes me nervous, specially in how will my family and friends take it. I haven't even slept well... It sure is a big change, a change that will affect our future.

It's been two days since i left the hospital. I'm tired all the time, my head hurts and i have the urge to vomit when i smell food, but my parents think it's because of the allergy effects.

I sit in my bed with my laptop. My cousins left yesterday, so i moved back to my bedroom. I enter in google and look for baby names. I don't even know why am i looking for these things, but i have curiosity...

I click at the first web and a long list appeared, there were names from the A to the Z. I read them quickly, i don't know if it's going to be a girl or a boy, so i don't have to decide it now.

- What are you doing?

- Oh my gosh! - I close rapidly the laptop and lay on the bed looking at Leo. - Do you want to kill me?

Leo laughs and opens the laptop again.

- Are you already looking for names?

- Hum yeah... I had curiosity. - I blush.

He lays down with me, lifts my bluse and rubs my tummy.

- Hi baby, how are you doing in there? Is there enough space? Or will you be fat like your mommy? - I punch him and he laughs.

- I'm not fat... I'm normal.

- Oh yeah, Santa Clous's wife.

- Well, then you are a skeleton. - I smirk.

- You are offending my babies. - He says while kissing his biceps.

- And you are offending mine. - I wink at him.

- Oh no baby girl, i love you. - He says and kisses my stomach.

- Girl? - I frown.

- Yes, and we will name her Kim. Kimberly Riley Howard. - He smiles proudly.

- No, he will be my baby boy and his name will be Cade Adam Howard. - I say.

- No... Okay, if it's a girl i will name her and you won't say anything about it. - I smile.

- Okay, whatever... Hum, should we tell anyone?

- Ryan and Kelli... They will support us. And then my mother maybe. - He says.

- And if i'm brave enough... My dad. - I conclude.

I stand up and open my wardrove. Tonight is Ryan's party. His parents every year make this party inviting other parents including mine.

I take a black and a bit of white, tight dress. I should take advantage of all the party dresses i have... I enter in the bathroom and have a shower.
Then i dry my hair, brush it and take some locks and put them a clip, leaving the rest free and well brushed.

I put on make up and then get out of the bathroom. Leo isn't in my bedroom anymore, i bet he is getting ready too. I take my black heels and my black purse with my phone and money inside. Ready.

I go downstairs and see Randye ready too.

- How is it possible that we got ready faster? - Randye says impatiently. I smile.

A few minutes later, the boys are ready and then my dad drives to the local where Ryan's parents are helding the party.
When we arrive, dad parks and we start walking towards the principal door. As soon as we enter, our parents meet with Mr and Mrs McCartan, and Leo and i disappear in the crowd.
It is an enormous local, three floors. First one, the big dance floor where the dj is and the large bar and dinner tables are placed. Second one, bathrooms and many couches and different sofas to spent some time and third one, small bedrooms. Bedrooms? Why are they bedrooms in a pub?

I finally find Kelli, who is in the bar, drinking and talking to her boyfriend Billy.

- Hey. - I smile at them.

- Hey Liv. - Billy says smiling.

- Hi Livy! - Kelli says happily while she hugs me. - You finally came!

- Yeah. - I hug her back. - Hum... Billy, do you mind if i borrow her some minutes?

- Sure.

I grab Kelli's hand and walk outside the building, to a large peatonal street full of benches.

- So? What do you wanted to tell me? - She says when we are alredy sit.

- Well... - I breath deeply. - I'm pregnant. - I say nervously.

- Oh... - I bite my lip. - I thought you were going to tell me that you are dating Leo, or that you like Rock n' Roll... - She says and i frown at her very confused. - I would have never thought those words would came out of your mouth...

- I'm dating Leo.

- Oh my gosh! - There is my Kelso. - You are pregnant! And you are dating Leo! - Finally she reacts!

- Yeah... - I half smile.

- I'm so excited now!

- Thanks for the support Kelso. - I hug her tightly.

- No thanks Liv. You are more than my best friend! I will always be there for you, no matter what... now let's go shake these bodies! - She holds my hand and we go back inside the building.

We are dancing in the dance floor all happy, when suddendly someone holds my waist. I turn around and see my boy.

- I haven't told you yet how beautiful you are tonight, sorry. You look beautiful babe. - He says to me.

- Thank you, you too. - I blush.

- I already told him. He was happy for us.

- I also told Kelli. She is so excited too. - He smiles making me smile.

- I would kiss you right now, but they can see us. - He whispers me. - I can't wait the day i can kiss you whenever i want, without having to hide.

- Me too... - Suddendly he takes me by my arm and starts going upstairs.

One, two and three. Third floor. Bedrooms. Oh, now i know why there are bedrooms. He opens one of the bedrooms. It isn't big, but it feels so comfortable there with that soft lighting.
He kisses me passionately, taking me to the bed. His kisses start going down my neck, sucking and biting it, making me moan. Meanwhile he unzips my dress and starts taking it off.

- Everybody to their dinner tables please. - We suddendly hear from downstairs.

Leo pulls away, kisses with love my lips and then zips again my dress. I brush my hair with my fingers and straighten my dress a bit.
After that, Leo holds my hand and walks us downstairs to where everyone is sitting.
We find our dinner table, which is the same one as my dad and Randye's.

Some minutes later, the waiters bring the food. Food i barely eat, because just the smell makes me dizz and attempt to vomit. Two hours later i'm already tired, my head spins and i'm hungry, but i know that if i eat i'll throw up. So, i just rest my head on the table and a few minutes later, i'm deep asleep.

[ Hiii guyss!

Oh my goshh, thiss chapter took me forever to write it! Ik i havent uploaded in a while, but im so busy with high school and i cant find much time...
Hopefully i can write at least one more chapter before the christmas holidays. Then, during holidays i will be able to write more often!

Dont forget to follow me on twitter, ig, youtube... For more wtt news about my stories!

Thankss a lot for 2K!]

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