Chapter 17

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I wake up because the sunrays are directly on my eyes. I sit and see Olivia sleeping next to me. I move her a bit so the sun don't wakes her up but she starts groaning so i just leave her.

I go to my room and take a quick shower, when i come back, she is already awake. I lay again next to her and hug her.

- Good morning Liv. - I don't know why but i love this girl so much... She has something that others don't.

- Morning. - She smiles.

- Liv! Leo! Breakfast is ready! - My mom says.

We go downstairs. My mom is serving us the food and Liv's dad, Mark is reading the newspaper.

- They invited us tonight to Mia's birthday. - He says. Mia is our six years old neighbour.

- Sure, we will go. - Olivia afirms without asking the rest of the family's approval.

- I don't want to. - I complain.

- We'll all go. - My mother claims. - And you have to go to the mall and buy her a gift. - I roll my eyes. Going from store to store is not fun stuff.

After some minutes, Liv and i go to the mall. Olivia starts buying a lot of clothes for her and nothing to Mia. In the next store we enter to see more things for her, i leave her there and walk towards a pinky shop.

- Do you need help? - A brunette girl, in whose tshirt is written Elizabeth, asks me when she sees me looking around.

- Huh yeah, i'm looking for a six years old gift. Well, today she is seven.

- Here you can find many things. Do you know something she likes?

- Yeah, she likes me. But i can't give myself. - I'm not lying. Mia told me the first time we met, that she likes me a lot. From that moment, everytime she sees me, she gives me kisses and hugs, although i don't really care because she is adorable.

- She might be only seven, but she has good choice. - She smirks. Is she trying to flirt with me?

- And the gift? - I say ignoring her.

- How about this? - She shows me a pink necklace with fake diamonds. - It arrived yesterday.

- Can you wrap it?

- Sure.

- Okay, i will take it. - I follow her and pay. I look the receipt. She wrote me her number.

I walk outside and throw the paper to the first bin i see. I go back to where Olivia was when i left her alone. She is still there looking clothes. I think she haven't even noticed i left. I grab her arm and take her outside, walking towards the parking.

- Hey! - She complains. - There was a pretty bluse i wanted to buy!

- What a pitty... We are going home.

I drive home and on the way, Olivia stops looking through the window and looks me worried.

- Leo, the gift!

- I already bought it. - She sights relieved.

When we get home, i dress up with jeans and a tshirt, while Olivia takes a shower. If Mark knew what i do with her daughter, he would kill me.
She gets out from the bathroom with just a towel covering her body and her blonde hair wet.

I take her by the waist. Put my lips on hers. They taste mint. She opens her mouth letting my tongue play with hers.

It's true that girls are slower than boys... We have been waiting for Olivia to be ready for an hour now. Finally she goes downstairs. She is wearing a red and black short dress. Her blonde hair is well brushed and reaches her hip. Wow... She really looks gorgeous.

We walk towards Mia's house. The kids music and laugh can be heard from outside.

- Welcome, thanks for coming. - Mia's mom says when she opens the door. - Come in please.

We all enter the house and walk to the garden. The children are running around, others jump in the aircastle and the rest plays with the balloons.
Mark and my mother are talking with other neighbours and Liv is talking with Mia. I walk towards them.

- Leo! - Mia shouts when she sees me. She hugs me and i kneel to her height.

- Happy birthday Mia.

- Thank you. - She kisses my cheek. I smile. - What are you giving me as present?

- You'll see. You will love it.

- Yay! You are giving me my first true kiss! - She exclaims. Olivia and i start laughing.

- Much better. - I give her the pink bag with her gift.

Olivia and i sit in a table, just watching the kids play. There aren't other teens in the party and we came because our parents said so.

- I'm bored. - She then says.

- Me too.

- I want to jump in the aircastle. - She pouts.

- Uff i though i was the only one. - I smile and she smiles back.

We go to the aircastle. Now there aren't kids. They are all having some snacks, so Liv and i start jumping, we bump each other until the castle starts getting smaller and loosing air.

I look around us. Our parents look really mad. Mia looks at us funny and her parents worried. Mark walks towards us.

- Home, now! - He shouts.

I grab Olivia's arm and take her outside.

- See you soon Leo! I love you! - Mia screams.

We leave the party. Our parents have stayed there. I sit in the kitchen.

- It's your fault. - Olivia accuses me, while taking some food.

- Mine? You are the one who wanted to jump there.

- You too. Besides you jumped too high and heavily. - She smirks.

- You are the fat one, not me. - I laugh.

- You just called me fat, idiot! - She punches me. - I'm killing you!

I run around the house and she follows me. We both run upstairs and downstairs, through the halls, jumping on the beds and couches.
Suddendly i hear the sound of glass breaking on the floor. I turn around and see Liv worried. My mother's most appreciated base has broken.

- Oh oh... Now we are in trouble. - I say.

- Shut up. What are we going to do?

I pick up the small broken pieces and put them into a bag. I go outside and throw it to a street bin.

- We are in big trouble... When my mom discovers this. We will die... - I admit.

- Can we buy a copy? - She sits on the couch.

- I don't think so... It's a family thing. My grandma gave it to my mom and my mom is supposed to give it to my future wife. - Liv bites her lip. Ugh... I love when she bites her lip.

- Maybe Randye doesn't discovers it.

- And what about my future wife? - I say offended.

- Fuck off your future wife... She won't have that base. - She crosses her arms and puts a mad face.

I hug her, lay my head on her and turn on the tv.

[ Heyy😆

Soo this is chapter 17! Hope you likee iitt🙌


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