Chapter 22

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All that lighting, loud music and that much people dancing around and part of them drunk, is making me dizzy. I sit down in the bar. It's already three in the morning and my dad and Randye left hours ago. Leo dissapears in the crowded space, on his way to the bathroom.

- Finally alone. - I look up and see Luke standing in front of me. - What a pity that you have boyfriend. Jealous boyfriend. - He whispers.

I don't say anything. I just stare at the boy's toilet. Ugh i have a headache and the alcohol is doing its effects, but i don't care. I drink the few liquid the red cup contains making my throat burn once again.

- Wanna go outside? - He asks. I nod. I definetely need fresh air.

We leave the building and we walk towards the garden. There is just a few people, most of them are inside. I sit in a bench and he sits next to me.

- Are you feeling okay? - I nod. - Olivia, we i think we have to talk.

- Yes, we have... This is wrong. Really wrong. - I am so nervous.

- And what you do with your brother is right? - He knows. He knows he is my brother. - And kiss in public? You think that's not wrong?

- But... You... You are my teacher and i'm your student.

- And he is your brother and you, his sister. - I ignore him some seconds.

- There is and there won't be anything between us. You are my teacher and i'm your student. That's it. That's the only relationship between us. - I finally say serious.

- Are you sure that's what you want? Look at me Olivia. - I look at him. - I'm everything a girl of your age wants. - Shit, he is right...

- Olivia! Where are you? - I hear Leo looking for me outside.

- I'm gonna go now. - Luke stands up. - If you need something, come find me.

Leo comes and stands by my side, looking furious at my teacher, and my teacher looking back at him. That's not good.

- Are you okay? What was he doing here Olivia? - He sits next to me.

- I went outside to have some fresh air and he came with me in case something happened to me.

- You could have told me. If that guy ever touches you Liv... - He tenses.

- Don't worry. He won't. - I say.

- Good.

I lay in the bench, placing my head on his lap. We stare at the big green garden and the city views at the background. Minutes later i am already asleep. And he is too.

I open my eyes because of the sunlight. I look around. I'm still wearing my grey jumpsuit and my black heels. Leo is next to me sleeping. I see the garden service cutting the grass and watering the plants. Many waitress walking around, picking up the mess it was made yesterday's night.

I remember my chat time with Luke and then laying there in the bench with Leo. I sit down. Wow my head really hurts, but that are the consequences of drinking so... I look at Leo, he is so cute asleep.

- Leo wake up. - I say. Ugh i bet my dad is so worried... He is gonna be so mad.

- Crap, we fell asleep. - He stands up.

- Yes, we did.

- We have to go, come on. - He stands up, holds my hand and lead us to the parking. I'm still asleep and with a big hangover so he helps me get to where Leo's car is and enter in it. He drives back home and i fall asleep again.

- Liv. Come on. - He wakes me and gets me out of the car.

We enter home and suddendly my dad and Randye appear. They are still wearing yesterday's clothes so, they haven't slept much or they fastly felt asleep in that clothes. My dad looks mad and Randye worried. As always.

- Where were you? - She asks loud. I haven't ever seen her in that mood. Mad.

- We fell asleep there, sorry. - I apologize.

- Just like that? - I nod. - We have been trying to contact with you guys! But none of you answered the phone. Even Kelli called you several times. You should call her Olivia. - Randye says. I nod again.

- See this? - My dad gives us a paper. "Montana's boarding school, for teens over 15". - One more problem and you will go there. Both. - I look at my dad shocked and he looks at me upset.

- We are going to my parent's to spend the day. - Randye says. - We will be back at night. - She picks her purse and the car keys and leave the house.

I go upstairs to Leo's bedroom. I can't believe he would send me there. I sit in Leo's bed and call Kelli. Nothing. I try again. She doesn't answer. I hope she is not mad... I throw my phone to my bed, and lay down.

Leo enters, takes off his shirt and lays hugging me.

- We won't go to that boarding school. - He starts kissing my neck. I feel little butterflies in my tummy.

- No, we won't. - I put my lips with his and kiss him.

He takes off my heels, then unlaces my jumpsuit and slowly takes it off, leaving me just in my underwear. He plays with my bra while messes my hair. I touch his body and abs, until i reach his pants.

Minutes later, we reach the edge. He holds me close and covers us with the bed sheets. I feel so good with him.

- I love you Leo. - I look at him.

- Me too Liv. - He kisses my forehead and i smile at him, feeling the luckiest girl. - Now and always.

- Oh my god! - We hear someone exclaim in the bedroom's door.

[ Hellooo🙋

Soo this is chapter 22, hope u likee it! Comment what u thinkk guyss😉 Btww i createdd a twitter acc, go follow mee @girlmeets_oholt🔜

Thankss for readiiinggg, xxx.]

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