Chapter 30 (Part I)

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I can't stop moving my leg as signal of nervousness. I am sitting in front of a policeman for the first time, and Leo is sitting next to me frowning and with a rebellious face expression.

- Are you going to explain me what happened here? - The officer wants to know.

- That jerk deserved it. - He says with an angry voice.

I look at him. His lip has dry blood and he has some wounds on his red face.

- You are Leo Howard, right? - He asks with a relax tone. - Leo, what led you to that? To that behaviour?

Leo stands up in a strong and rapid movement, brusquely. I notice that the two policeman standing at the door, take a step forward in case Leo gets out of control, but he doesn't. Instead, he makes me stand up. He lifts a bit my shirt.

- See what he did! - He rises his voice.

The policeman stands up too and contemplates the big red marks that are still on my abdomen.

- Don't touch her. - Leo clarifies, when he notices he is about to touch it. He nods.

- I understand your acts. But you will still be penalized. - He says sitting down again.

- He abused of my sister! - He shouts.

- Leo, calm down please. - I beg. I rub his back and that makes him sit down a bit more calmed.

In that moment the door opens. My dad and Randye enter the room accompanied by another officer.

- Oh my god! What happened to you?! - She says hugging Leo and looking at his face.

- Your son made use of vandalism to defend her sister. - The policeman explains them. - The other guy tried to abuse of your daughter in an unproperly way, she refused and he hurt her. - I stand up and lift again my shirt.

- Oh my godness. - Randye exclaims. My dad just stares the marks and mumbles.

- Where is that guy? - He says with a harsh voice. - We will talk about this in the correct way. - He says, but we all know that he is saying it with an ironic tone.

- Right now he is in the hospital, sir. Your son has demonstrate violent acts that have caused him some serious wounds.

- Ugh. Leo, you should have killed him. I would have payed your finance later. - My dad affirms, causing Leo smile.

- The trial will be tomorrow, six o'clock. He could be sent to jail, sir. - The officer claims.

- We will be there. Thank you. - Randye answers.

Minutes later we drive home from the hospital, where they cured Leo's wounds. I don't know how is Luke and i don't want to know either. I feel so guilty, because of me, Leo is now hurt and i know he isn't just physically hurt.

My dad parks and we all enter home in silence. I go upstairs with Leo following me, and i enter in his bedroom instead of mine.

I lay on the bed, staring at Leo. He smiles and lays gently above.

- I'm... Sorry. - I finally say almost tearing up.

- Shh. It's okay Liv, it's not your fault okay? - He caresses my hair. - I love you.

- I love you too. - I lean forward and kiss him.

Suddenly the door opens, Leo pulls apart quickly, sits down on the bed and i grab a cushion, hiding my abdomen with it. Well, now it isn't an abdomen. It can be called belly. I am like almost three months pregnant and already starting to show up, i don't know how much time we will be able to hide it.

Anyways, Leo and i don't talk much about it, it's kind of uncomfortable. I know that we will have to start talking about it soon, about jobs, money, if we will keep the baby and most important how we will tell our parents. But not right now.

- Okay guys. I'm tired of pretending not knowing what is going on. I want to hear it from both of you. From your mouths. -Randye exclaims when she enter the bedroom. Oh my lord...

- What do you want to know mum? - Leo asks.

- This! - She motions her hands towards us. - What is going on between you?!

- Oh, we are dating. - He says without doubting.

- Thank you Captain Obvious! I already know that! - What? How? I bet my face is all red right now. - You two are so obvious. If you want my opinion, i don't mind. I don't oppose to any love. Everybody is free to love whoever they want. But if you two get to hurt each other, i will intervene as the mother i am. - She finishes stating.

- Wow. - It's the only word we can let out. I never thought she would take it like this.

- Thank you. - I whisper. She smiles at me.

- Well mum, what happens if i tell you, that you will be a grandma? - What the heck Leo? I didn't expect that! Not right now!

Randye looks at his son and then at me, shocked. I can just wait there, biting my lip nervous, to listen what she is about to say.

[ Heyy!

Oh my goshh! Finally i get to finishh this chapter!! It's been an eternity wow. Buuuut here u have it!

There r a few chapters left guyys, a couple more or so! Would u like a sequel? Im thinking already about how to continue this one but if u dont want one, i have to start thinking about how to wrap this story!
Hope u r liking it tho!

Dont forget to read the other wtt story i am writting and follow me on my social media!

Thanksss xxx]

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