Chapter 12

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I open my eyes, waking up because of my stepbrother punching me not so hard on my shoulder. But that certain punch makes my head hurt. I sit in the bed, focusing on my headache.

- Here, drink this. - Leo is sitting next to me. He gives me a pill and a glass of water. Without doubting i take it. I look around. The bedroom is still dark. I look at the clock. It is four in the morning. Why am i awake? I grab the bed sheets, cover with them and lay down again. I then feel Leo punching me again.

- Leave me! - I groan.

- Get up now. Today we are going to the mountain trip with the family and your high school. The bus leaves at six and you haven't pack your stuff yet.

- Fuck off... My head hurts so bad and i think i'm still drunk. - I complain while i cover once again with the bed sheets.

I notice his hands under the sheets, taking them off of me. He picks me up and carries me like a baby. Leaves me in the shower and opens it letting the water fall down, all over my pajama.

- You are going to have a shower, pack all your things and be ready before six, got it? - He orders me.

- Yes. - I say. When i hear him shut the door, i take off my clothes and start washing myself. I want to sleep, i don't want to go to that mountain trip...

I open my suitcase and pack the first clothes i see in my wardrove, because i'm going late, my head continues hurting and i am not in the mood.

In the bus i have to sit next to Leo. Today is not my day... I put on my headphones, rise the volume and stare at my half brother who is looking through the window. He turns facing me and starts talking to me. He shouldn't bother because i am not listening him but i just nod, without knowing what he is telling me.

After some minutes, he continues talking and i continue smiling and nodding. One of my favourite songs plays, i sing on my mind and then see Leo say something, smile and get closer to me. He puts his lips on mines. What the heck? Before he continues kissing me, i pull him away and take off the headphones.

- What are you doing slut? - I say angry.

- I told you i would kiss you and you nodded. - Oh, that is what he was talkimg about...

- I wasn't listening stupid! Don't you see i have my headphones? - I roll my eyes and play on my music again. I hope this is the shortest bus trip of my life.

After almost five hours, it hasn't. But we finally arrived. I go to find my suitcase and then gather with the rest of the families that have come. Kelli after convicing her mother, she has come with us.

- Holt and Howard family. - The guide calls us after naming some other families. My father walks towards him. - Bungalow number 101 and 103. - He says giving him the keys.

The five of us follow another guide who takes us to the bungalows.

- You three take this one. - My dad points number 101. - Randye and i will stay in the other one.

I feel relieved. At least Kelso is with me and i won't be alone with Leo. This is great. We enter in our place. There is a small bathroom, a hall with closets and three big individual beds. I walk in and take the middle bed. I feel more protective with that one. K takes the farest one from the door and Leo has to take the bed which is left.

- This is so cool! - Kelli exclaims. - I'm going to Billy's, see you later! - She says happily leaving the bungalow 101.

- So... We are alone huh Olivia? - Leo says walking towards me. My heartbeat starts going faster. He sits next to me on my bed. I punch him making him fall of it. Oh, that was fun. - Crap, my nose. - He complains.

- Ups, are you okay? - I look down to the floor and see Leo there, covering his nose with his hand.

- No, i'm not. I think i'm bleeding. - He uncovers his nose and i see the red liquid. I rapidly sit on the floor, holding his face.

- Stay like this, so you will stop bleeding. Don't move. - I say.

I go to the bathroom and look for an emergency kit. I come back when i find it, sit next to him and take a piece of cotton.

- Auch. - He complains.

- Stop moving little girl.

- Did you just call me little girl? - He asks.

- That is what you are. Now shut up. - I clean up the rest and last blood he has in his nose. - There you go.

- Thank you nurse.

- No problem, at your service. - I smile.

- I don't doubt that. - He smiles back, gets closer to me and kisses me again. The worst thing is that i let him! This is bad, so bad... I might have a crush on him but why his kisses are so addictive, i like them a lot!

I open my mouth letting his tongue play with mine. I mess my finguers in his hair and play with it. His lips taste good, somehow they have a coffee taste. I bite his inferior lip and he grabs my butt.
He lays me down slowly on the floor and keeps kissing me. I like this, a lot. But i will never admit it.

- Leo what are you doing on the floor? - Oh my god. That voice. I crawl under the closest bed, Kelli's. We haven't hear anyone knocking the door, and now my dad is standing right there in our bungalow. Has he seen us? Hope not! But even though i pray.

- It is warm and comfy here. - He makes up an excuse while stands up.

- Comfy? Really? - I hear him say. I can't see him but i am not brave enough to look. - Whatever, have you seen Liv?

- No, i don't.

- Okay, if you see her, tell her i meet her outside. Same thing to you, when you finish... Whatever you are doing.

- Okay. - Leo says before my dad leaves. - Next time we do it in the bathroom, he won't enter there. - He says going under the bed too. I punch him and order him to get out of there. Next time? I get out after him, wear well my bluse and brush my hair with my finguers.

- We should go out, he is waiting for us. - I say walking towards the door with him following me, he grabs my butt one more time, i punch him too one more time, and we walk outside.

Everyone is outside. We meet our family and then the guide explains us the timetable we would have and tomorrow's climbing mountain trip. I look around seeing most of the classmates of our high school with their families. I see Kelli with Billy and Spencer with a brunette tall girl next to him.

- Today there will be different activities in this field, like relays, eating the apple and much more! You can all play them. It will be so much fun! - The activities guide tells.

The families walk to their favourite games.

- Want to make a bet Olivia? - Leo asks.

- What bet?

- Whoever of us wins more games, wins the bet. If i win you will sleep with me all these days. - He smirks. - If you win, something that won't happen, i will stop bothering you during a whole year.

- Fine. - I agree after a minute. We shake hands. The idea of Leo not bothering me anymore motivates me more to win the games. - Which game do you want first?

- Archery.

- Great. - I say smiling.

[ Heyyy!

First of all... Happy 4th of Julyyy to all the americanss🗽 Hope you have a great time! I'm loving writing thiss and hopefully u too reading it🙌 Keep in touchh guyss💕 and let me know ur ideas, thoughs and opinions!

Thankss xxx

Ps: I wanted to clarify, in case someone doesn't know, Leo is 20 years old and Olivia is still 17😋 ]

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