Chapter 6

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Spencer takes me to his house. I really have thought he would take me to a party but whatever. He have made pasta for dinner, so after eating we sit in the coach to see a movie and he chooses "The orphan", a terror film. In the scariest parts like always i scream, although this time i try to contain myself but it fails, and Spencer just makes fun of me while i'm there, scared like a little girl.

Suddendly the light goes off, i scream and my heartbeat goes faster. Oh my god, i'm about to have a heart attack right here, right now. Two hands start touching me under my bluse and my heartbeat goes more fast. I grab the first thing i see and hit whatever it is touching me.

I hear Spencer complaining. I stand up as i can because i find it difficult with all the darkness.

- What are you doing?! - I yell. The light is switch on and i see Spencer on the floor touching his head, probably where i hitted him.

- I was just trying to make this a bit interesting. - He says.

- Make this?

- We were going to have sex! - He answers. - You proposed it to me remember?

- I'm not having sex with you.

- Aren't you? What about that message you sent me? - He rises his voice.

- My stupid stepbrother! He took my phone and sent messages to other guys too! - I take my purse and walk towards the door. I definetely not staying here.

- Wait Olivia, lets do this okay? We will go slowly. - He says.

- Slowly in what? - I say surprised.

- In our relationship. - He says confused. Ugh he is such a complicated boy.

- Our relationship? We don't have any relationship. There is nothing between us!

- Look. - He tries to calm me down. - I like you a lot Olivia and if you leave now, our relationship is over.

- Then it's over! I'm out. - I say relieved that i can finally leave.

I go out and close the door making a loud noise. That guy is crazy! It is late and cold outside and there are no buses at this time. I will consider the idea of learning how to drive. I take my phone. I have no option that calling Leo.
Five minutes later he arrives, i enter in the car and he starts driving home.

- So, how was it? - He smirks, he do knows something has gone wrong.

- Okay, you were right. But don't get too used. - I admit.

- You learnt the lesson so i won't punish you. - He laughs. - But it's impossible not laughing about this.

He starts laughing so loud and in a funny way that i end laughing with him. Five minutes later we are parking in the garage. I run towards home because it is raining and i don't want to get wet.

- It's cold. - Leo says turning on the calefaction, making the house get warmer.

- I will go change, i'll be back. - I say while going upstairs.

I enter my bedroom, change into my pajama, brush my teeth and make a ponytail. Then i go back downstairs.

- Let's watch a movie. - He turns on the tv.

- Not a terror one please. - I beg.

- So, you watch a terror movie, then lights go off, he starts touching you and takes advantage because you are scary. Finally you end up having sex. - He sits on the sofa smiling.

- How do you know that? - I sit by his side.

- It's a usual trick Holt. I already tried it. - He winks at me, passes his arm around my shoulder but i punch him and he instantly takes it off.

- Does it works? - I ask curious.

- Oh Olivia, i'm Leo Howard. - He says proudly.

I laugh. After half and hour i don't remember much, only that i fell asleep on the couch watching that movie i don't even know the name.

I open my eyes and blink. I try to get up but an arm on my waist and a leg messed with mine, does not let me. When i realize whose body parts are from, i fall to the floor.

- What are you doing there? - Leo's face shows from above.

- It's warm and soft. - I say sarcastic.

- Oh really? - He lets himself fall above me. I complain, get on him like he is a horse and punch him softly.

- You are an idiot. - I say.

- But you love me, even you are still crazy, this floor is cold and hard. - I roll my eyes and look around.

- Where are Randye and my dad? - I want to know.

- I don't know. I haven't seen them since yesterday's morning.

I stand up and look my phone. No missed calls or messages. This is weird. What's up with them? I call them both but none answers.

- Don't worry Olivia. They are adults. They know how to take care of themselves. - Leo says from the kitchen.

The front door opens and Randye and my dad enter smiling and holding hands. I then feel realived.

- Guys, get ready. We are going to the beach. - My dad says.

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