Chapter 27 (Part II)

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I slowly open my eyes, i blink some times until i get used to the bright light. I try to sit but i feel my body so heavy and when i move, i notice the needle in my left arm that bothers me. I realize then that i'm wearing a hospital dress. So, i'm the hospital huh? Where's Leo? When did he take me here? I look around, i'm alone in the bedroom.

Suddendly the door opens and a doctor enters.

- Good morning Olivia. - He smiles at me. Morning? How many hours have i been sleeping? - So good you are awake now. Everyone was worried about you... So, you had a strong allergic reaction, right? Anyways, you don't have to worry now. Just be careful with what you eat and stay away from cinnamon okay? - I nod. - Okay, i'll tell your family they can come in. I will talk to you later. - He leaves the room.

- Gosh Liv. - My dad enters with Randye and Leo following him. - When they called me and heard about you, i almost have a heart attack! - He comes to me and hugs me tight. I look at Leo and i notice he is feeling guilty and sad.

- We were very worried Olivia. - She hugs me too. - We will talk with you later on about that lie.

- Okay... Sorry. - I bite my lip. - Where are the rest of the people?

- Your cousins stayed home. - Randye says.

- Oh, ugh... I got bored, i wanna go home.

- Sorry Liv, not until tomorrow. - My dad says.

We keep chatting some more minutes, then a nurse enters with a tray that contains my food.

- The doctor informs that the visiting period is over. - She says.

- Can't they stay a bit more? I hate being alone. - I complain.

- I'm sorry. - She half smiles.

They say goodbye, except my dad that is staying here tonight, but they all leave the room. Included the nurse.

- Hello again. - The doctor enters five minutes later with some papers in his hand. - How are you feeling? - He smiles.

- Not bad, although my stomach keeps hurting a bit, and i kind of have a headache. But i'm good. - I answer.

- Well, the allergy was strong, so it's normal that it keeps hurting. - He looks at his papers. - Listen Olivia. I wamted to talk to you first in private, about one of the results of your test. - He says worried.

- Wh- what happens? - I say with fear.

- Olivia, you are one month pregnant.

Shit, shit, shit.

I'm completely in shock. What?! It's impossible! I can't... I can't be pregnant! I try with much difficulty to process the information. My heartbeat goes so fast and i nervously move my hand through my hair.

- Are you sure? - The doctor looks at me serious.

- Yes, really sure... I'm not a gynecologist, but i can get you a good one that...

- Can we talk about this in any other moment? - I cut him off. - Because right now, is the least thing that matters to me...

- I'll tell your father to enter in an hour. You need some rest now. - He then leaves the room.

I'm in all kind of moods, i'm cold, hot, hungry, my tummy hurts and my head even more, i feel my body so heavy and i wanna throw up.
Why?! It's not possible, oh my gosh... I feel the tears running through my face. What am i gonna do?! I'm just seventeen!

I keep crying for the next minutes until the fatigue and stress of the past hours, get me.

I wake up with the noise of the bedroom's door open.

- How are you now Liv? The doctor told me you were having a morning nap. - He smiles at me and sits on the bed.

- I'm better, i think. - I lie.

During dinner time, my dad is sitting on the couch and is watching the football match, whose team is losing, in the small tv.
I look at him. He really looks tired. I bet, well, i'm one hundred percent sure, he hasn't sleep since yesterday night that Leo called him to come to the hospital.

I then realize what might happen in just some months. He and Randye will separate... And he will suffer, i can't do anything about it... Unless i go away far from here.

I gulp. I'm an idiot. Where can i go? Pregnant!... Abort? No, i can't do that... Give it in adoption? My dad would know too. I'm freaking out and i can't handle so much stress, my head is gonna explode, i'm driving myself crazy!

- Dad... Could you call Leo? - I say biting my lip.

- Huh, okay. - He takes his phone, marks his number and gives it to me. - Tell Randye to come too. - I nod. He walks in the bathroom leaving me there.

- Hey Mark. - Leo answers after two beeps.

- Leo... - I say.

- Oh, Liv. Are you okay? Want me to go? It's okay, i'm getting my car keys and in a few minutes i'm there. Gosh Liv, i miss you so much. How is your allergy? Is it...

- Leo, Leo. I'm fine... I just want you here with me.

- Okay, don't worry. I'm there in a few minutes.

- Oh Leo, tell your mother to come too. - He says okay and then hang up, just when my dad gets out of the bathroom.

- Dad... Thank you. - I give him back his phone. - Thanks for everything.

- Livy, you are my daughter. No thank you. I would do anything for you. - He kisses my forehead.

- I know. I love you. - I smile.

Some minutes later, they knock the door and enter. Leo comes and sits on the bed. Randye stays on the couch with my dad.

- Mark, go home okay? You are so tired, look at you. - Randye says. - I will stay here with her.

- Mom... - Leo says. - Why don't you two go home tonight? I will stay with her, and tomorrow morning when the doctor says she can leave, we will go home with you. - He says convinced.

- Oh okay. Are you sure?- Leo nods. - Thanks. - They both say, and after saying goodbye, they leave.

- Oh Liv! I've missed you so much! - He kisses me softly.

- I've missed you too... Hey i want to tell something.

- Yeah tell me.

- The doctor came earlier and told me that my test results... - Leo looks at me worried. - ... I'm pregnant Leo. - I say with a cracking voice.

- Shit. - He stands up, passes his hands through his hair various times and then sits on the couch.

- Are you sure?

- Yes Leo! What am i gonna do? - Tears start running down my face.

Yes, i said am i. What if he dumps me? Oh my gosh... But Leo suddendly stands up and comes to me.

- It's okay Livy. It's gonna be okay, i promise. - He hugs me tight and i bury my head in his chest.

- Look at me. - He says wiping my tears. - We are in this together. I won't leave you ever, through thick and think. - He kisses my forehead. - You are mine Olivia. And nobody can say the opposite. Not now, because i have proves. - He rubs my tummy. - I love you Liv.

- I love you too. - I kiss him.

I know this is not the end, not a happy end like in fairy tales. But i don't care if i have him. And it's all i need.

[ Hiii,

Woww this chapter took me so long to write! But hey! It's done noww. So, there are just two or three chapters left until the story comes to an end! Don't worry though! Im already thinking about a sequeel!

Thankss for 1.8k!! Xxx ]

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