Chapter 30 (Part III)

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When the bell rings i say goodbye to Kelli and walk outside the building. I look around and see dad's car parked on the street. 

- Hey. - I greet them when i enter the vehicle. 

Leo smiles at me and dad and Randye answer me with a 'hi'. Dad drives towards the address they gave us last day so we could go to the trial. Today was the day, they would decide about our case, about what happened with Luke and Leo, and me. 

After fifteen minutes of complete silence we finally arrive to court. 

- Do not get out of control kids. Did you listen Leo? - Dad asks after parking and Leo answers groaning. - You have to chill.

- It's gonna be difficult if i have that jerk in front me. - He exits the car and slams the door.

We all follow him while entering the big building. My dad and Randye walk ahead of us and we just follow them. I place next to him and caress his hand, he holds mine and kisses it. 

- Here it is. - The officer tells us. I haven't even noticed when he arrived. I'm so nervous...

We all sit on the corresponding seats and wait. Suddenly Luke enters with a policeman and a couple minutes later, the judge.

- Good afternoon. We are here for the Howard and Benward case. It is said that they made use of violence among them. - The judge starts talking.

During the next hour i am literally falling asleep. I have slept so bad the last weeks because of the final exams, which by the way today i had the last one and tomorrow will be the last day of high school so that means i will be graduating tomorrow night. Also i have lately been feeling sick, it might be the pregnancy symptoms or something. I try very hard to not close my eyes and pay attention to what they are saying but it is impossible for me, this is really boring and i barely understand anything.

But i do listen carefully to the final statement the woman declares. 

- Luke Benward you are imposed six months of jail due to use of violence, and abuse and mild violation towards the minor Olivia Holt. Leo Howard you are imposed social services during a month due to use of violence. - The woman says before touching a wooden thing with a wooden hammer. - Good afternoon. - She says at last and then she gets up and leaves the room.

- Finally. - I whisper. 

We all stand up ready to go. The policeman grabs Luke by his arms and makes him walk towards the exit while he resists. 

- Your daughter is pregnant! - He shouts making me stay in shock. 

My dad, Randye and Leo stop walking and look at Luke. He walks towards us although the officer is trying to take him outside.

- I'm telling you the truth. So, we are all here confessing right? Come on Olivia tell them if you are so brave.

My dad looks at me serious. My heart rate increases in seconds but it seems to me that the world just stopped. I look at Leo, but he is too concentrated on deciding if he should punch Luke or not. I look back at my dad who is staring at me in silence, waiting for me to say something, and Randye is at the back looking with sympathy.

- Tell them! Tell them who is the father of that kid! - Luke continues shouting. 

I nod quickly with my head. I can't, i can't do this. I can feel my dad's hateful and full of pain look, he knows. 

The last thing i get to see is how Leo tries to punch Luke and the police taking Luke outside. Then i start seeing blur, well, not seeing. I need air, are the last three words that cross through my head, before falling unconscious to the floor.

[ Hey!

Im really sorry guys i havent updated earlier. Some of you (sorry @soyaliciasoyluna you have been asking me to update)  have been messaging me so i continued uploading chapters but i honestly havent had time. I am reeally busy with final exams and i even just finished writting this chapter tonight (12:30am in my country) and tomorrow i have high school.

Well, hope u enjoy this chapter although its a bit short  and this is the penultimate one but i have been thinking about doing the final chapter (which is the next one) with an open ending so i can start with the sequel! Though it is not confirmed yet, cause maybe i can divide the final into two parts before ending it, i have to think about that. 

Whateveer, follow me on ig @oh_holt @liz.mcgillz, read my other story 'Together' about Liz Gillies and Avan Jogia (#elavan) and follow me on also on twitter! I will be posting stuff and news about wtt stories!

Thank youuuu for readiiing guysss(:

Luuuv uuuuu xxx]

olivia holt - My Life With HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora