Chapter 5

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The next lessons were too boring. During lunch i sit with Kelso and her new date, Billy. They are talking about stuff and i just ignore them while i eat that disgusting food.

After classes i go outside the building and see Leo surrounded by all those girls. I just walk towards the car and enter. That guy is so annoying and he doesn't complains about picking me up from highschool just because he can see that sluts.

- So, will you invite me to your house? - I hear one girl asking.

- Of course, whenever you want baby.

- Oh Leo, you are so romantic
No Leo, you are such a jerk. Don't believe what they say to you.

- So you are. See you tomorrow girls? My sissy will get mad. - I hear him say. Final
He enters the car, winks an eye throught the mirror to the girls and drives home. I stare at him. If i didn't know him, i would thought he is gay.

- Why that face? - He asks.

- Because i saw you. - I answer.

- What are you doing today? I'm still grounded. We can do something. - He drives home.

- I have a date.

- Who with? - He asks curiosilly.

- With the guy you invited when you took my phone!

- Will you have sex? - He laughs.

- I hope so. - I lie.

- You won't go to that party. - He says serious

- What? Who are you to prevent it? Besides you are the one who invited him, it's your fault. - I blame him.

- Great, i will go and you will stay.

- Whatever.

We finally arrive home and i go to my bedroom. After doing my  homework i go to my wardrove and take the light blue dress, the casual, short and not formal one. I wear my white silver shoes and put on make up in a simple way and brush my teeth. To finish i put on perfume and go downstairs.

- Where are you going? - He asks.

- Is not of your bussiness. - I try to continue walking but he stops me.

- I said that you are not going. What have you don't understand?

- You know Leo, you are not my dad, you don't have my same blood and we have just lived together less than three days. So, don't talk to me, ruin anything and look for an inteesting life. - I say serious.

- But right now i'm in charge and if i say no it's a no. - He says getting closer to me.

- I don't care. I'm going out. Leave me alone. - I don't want to get closer to him so i just turn around.

- Do you like Spencer? - I respond by turning around.

- What do you know him about? - I want to know.

- Every party i go to, there he is, with a diffetent girl. Is that what you want Olivia? Being one of them? Because if you want to, that's how i will treat you. - He says, when the front door is knocked.

I ignore Leo and open the door. There is Spencer, with a shirt and jeans, also sunglasses even if it's getting and a black jacket. I smile. The boy is cute, and there he is hot as always. I still can't believe that i was the choosen one by him of all the girls.

- You are beautiful Olivia.

I blush.

- Thanks, tou too

- Let's go? - I nod.

I look at Leo, with his red face, nervous and looking like jealous and angry with him. I grab his arm and close the front door after us.
I just want to forget about my problems and enjoy this night. I want everything to change and most of all avoiding Leo.

olivia holt - My Life With HimWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt