Chapter 11

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When i arrive home, i see Randye cooking cupcakes. I sit in the kitchen's chair and eat one.

- Do you like it?

- They are delicious! - I exclaim.

- Nice. It's the first time i make them, your father is craving.

- He seems to be pregnant sometimes. - I joke.

- He craves more than a preggo! - She laughs.

- We may take him to a doctor appointment, how many months will he be? - We continue joking.

- With that tummy, i bet that six or seven. - She smiles.

My dad enters the kitchen, takes another cupcake and eats it. I can't contain myself so i start laughing, making Randye laugh too. My dad stares us confused.

- What?

- Daddy, are you feeling good this past days? Aren't you dizzy or nauseous? - I say looking at Randye.

- No why? What are you talking about? - He really is confused.

- Uff. We though you were preggo. - Randye says relieved.

- I thought i would have another sibling. - I say faking sadness. Then i smile, take another cupcake, grab my backpack and go upstairs.

I enter in Leo's bedroom. He is sitting in his chair without wearing any tshirt, drawing something in a paper and his laptop on his desk. I look over his shoulder and i see different steps to draw a bunny. I laugh in silence, leave my bag on the floor and sit on my bed staring at him. He looks nervous, his muscles are tense because of the concentration.

- Finished! - He turns around and walks towards me. - I got it! - He shows me the paper.

In the paper there is a big circle as the bunny head, two small eyes, two big ears and a little mouth. He just draw a bunny face, no body.

- I love it! - I claim. It looks like a little boy drawing but he did an effort to do it so i don't really care.

- Great. - He smiles. - Now, where is my prize? - He is there, standing in front of me with his eyes closed, expecting me to kiss him. He looks cute with his red cheeks and his messy hair.

I get closer to him and give him a small kiss. He opens his eyes when i pull away and smiles, then he holds my neck with his hands and put his lips on mines before i can protest. Shit, his lips are soft and nice, so i don't know how or why, i continue the kiss.

I open my mouth and let his tongue play with mine. I pass my arms around his neck and play with his hair. He bites my lip and lifts my bluse, touching my naked abdomen. One of his hands goes up to my breasts. Oh gosh! Too much tentation...

I guide my hand to his naked chest. I hear a notification, but i don't stop, i don't want to. It sounds again, crap. Leo pulls away taking my phone from my back pocket.

- Give it to me! - I take me mobile, unlock the password and read the message.

From: Kelso
Party tonight at Billy's.
I pick u up later.

I need to have fun so i answer an okay.

- Where were we? - Leo smirks. I stop him. Oh my lord, i have kissed Leo... and i liked it! And that is what makes me mad.

- Stop. This isn't right.

- Nothing is right between us, but we don't care.

- I'm serious. - I grab my backpack, go downstairs and sit in the living room with my homework. Why i have liked it?

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