Chapter 13

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We wait more less five long minutes in the archery game queue until our turn arrives. Each one has three shots.

- Are you ready to lose? - I say to him.

- Are you ready to see me win? - He smirks. Touché.

He starts first. Leo takes the arch and the arrow, gets ready and shots in the red circle. Next in the yellow and the third in the red again. I go next.

I have to admit that i am a bit nervous. I really really want to win this bet. I haven't done archery since i went to a summer camp two years ago but i liked it a lot and i have to say that my shooting isn't that bad.

First arrow in blue, second in yellow, third in yellow too.

- Yes! I win! - I say proudly. - I win the first game. Two more games, which i of course will win, left to finish the bet.

- Bah... Come on! My turn, i choose climbing. - He says and grabs my arm leading to the next game.

This time we have to wait ten minutes so we can play. I look around and everyone is playing and having fun. I see my dad and Randye playing careers. There, is also Kelli and Billy. The boys are carrying the girls on their backs and running towards the ending point. It's so funny to see K giving orders to his boyfriend.

When our it is our turn, two activities guides put us on the safety systems. We both prepare. The guy whistles giving us the starting signal.

Leo starts climbing with agility and i am just looking at him shocked. When i get out of trance, i start climbing too. This is more hard than i thought. I am too worried about him winning that i am not paying attention or concentrated on what part of the rock i have to grab.

I am about to catch Leo but he impulses for the last time and reaches the top, making the bell ring as sign as winner. He smirks and goes back to the ground. I follow him.

- So... Does lose taste good? - He says.

- Shut your mouth up Leo! - He passes his arm around my waist.

- Uhuh, is someone jealous? - I hit his arm and he leaves me free. - Auch!

- Last game and i win you. - I wink at him. - I choose that one. - I say pointing it. - Let's go!

He follows me to the last game. I don't know its game but it looks interesting. There is a transparent box with a green funny frog inside it. Next to the box there is a red big button. The aim is to press the red circle as fast and many times as you can in one minute, so the frog expulses from its mouth the number of plastic coins as presses. So, whoever of us presses it more times, wins.

Other guide whistles too giving us the start. I press the button with all my energy and strength, even though i know that the animal won't expulse more coins by pressing harder, but i have to try.

Three, two, one... Time is over.

- Olivia, Olivia! - Leo exclaims. - Time is over! You won't get more coins even though you still press it. - He smiles. I roll my eyes.

The guide starts counting our coins outloud.

- Twenty, twenty one... - The guide says. Please, please, please. Six more and i win Leo!
- And twenty... Five!! - The guide exclaims. - The winner is Leo!!

Oh my god... No!! He wins! It can't be! Two more coins and i would have won!

- Oh yeah baby! - Leo shouts. He picks me up and carries me like a potatoe bag. - So... Which side of the bed do you prefer?

- Oh fuck off Leo! - I say punching his back.

Going back to our bungalows we meet our parents.

- So how was it? - My dad asks.

- So much fun! - Leo claims looking at me.

My mobile vibratea on my pocket. I take it and open the message.

From: Kelso
I'm sleeping at Billy's tonight. Cover me pls.

Oh shit. I'm over. Kelli is not sleeping with us tonight, that means... Oh why Kelso?! Don't leave me alone! I don't want to be with Leo on my own! Because i know that a part of me won't stop him, if he tries something with me... And that is bad, so bad.

- Liv, are you okay? You look dizzy. - My dad asks before entering his bungalow.

- Uh yes, i am just tired.

- Okay, you should go to sleep now, you have been all the afternoon playing those games. Have you ate something?

- Yes dad, we ate dinner before the games.

- All right then. - He hugs me but then realizes something. - Hum, where is Kelli?

- She... She is... - I don't know what to say.

- She will come later, she is with some girls. - Leo excuses rapidly. He saved me from this one.

- Fine. Goodnight guys. - He kisses my forehead and enters after Randye.

I run into our bedroom, i take the first clothes i see because i forgot my pajama. I unlock in the bathroom, take a quick shower and dress up with a stripped tshirt and pink shorts. I regret now of taking this shorts. They are too short. But i don't have any other to sleep.

I lay on my bed. Leo is not here right now. He has gone to her mother's to borrow some money for a bottle of water. I will fake being asleep so he don't bothers me.
I close my eyes and hold the bed sheets tight.

- You are such a bad looser. - I hear his voice. I grab the sheet harder. - I know you are awake. Come here Liv. - He picks me up again and carries me to his bed.

- I'm not a bad looser. I just fell asleep.

- Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

He lays next to me. I turn around so i don't face him. He holds me closer to him with his arm around me. I punch him and get far away.

- Take off your tshirt.

- What?! No! - I close my eyes but i feel his hands under my tshirt trying to take it off.

I start moving so he can't take it, but he paralizes me by hugging me and holding my waist. We are both facing and his hands are still inside my tshirt, rubbing my stomach. I push him, but he is holding me too tight and it is difficult.

- Take off your tshirt.

- No, i'm not wearking a bra and i won't be naked in front of you.

One of his hands under my tshirt, go through my back up to my neck. The other hand, still rubbing my abdomen. He starts kissing my neck.

- What... Are you doing?

- I don' t know... - He then bites my neck and i moan. Oh my lord!

- Stop it, i'm tired.

- Me too.

He stops kissing me but stays in the same position. I can hear and notice his breathing on my neck. Without being concious i concentrate on his brething rythm and i fall asleep.

[ Heyheyheyy🙋

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