Poem she Wrote

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Amber POV

Finding the right balance is hard, it's cold out here.

Just another time, focus, another year.

Something was borrowed, blue, and dear; tore me apart.

All in his lips like moon shine.
He wants me tonight his wine.

No we shouldn't get 'drunk in love' with his type.

I'm on this level though, fame, dames, dudes, we all in the place

Erasers, economic hardship no more. Yea right, even the great

We all have some kind of memory we need to find; can't.

It's the one that gets us back to us functioning with society

So what they said you couldn't
Does that mean don't?

It's just a question.
Just a question!
Yes, just a damn question

It's a big question, I want it
Learn it, for more than a day

Make it become a habit
The care I have for myself
& only me.

MLT1 (More Layers than One) 3 Dames Inspired,  (heavy edits wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now