Part 2- Awaken

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Amber POV

You know the saying nobody is greater than Jesus is so true. Man, i was simply at my lowest around this time...Before marrying him. A feeling that Anthony gave to me also; he gave to someone else, without knowing it. After marriage. We went out. He made sure he treated me like a wife.

None of that show off shit. Just classic togetherness, like only two people could be, unless you swing.

It is the reason my relationships actually suffered. He had me with Power Attorney so no one could ever challenge what i needed to do regarding anything that was built together. We didn't build shit together, still There was no doubt about it. Taken care of, is something i am simply used to. I was sixteen then.

By now i would be 18 and marriage starting to fall apart, based off two things cheating, and not knowing how to pray. I was laying on that cold concrete where the Medics had drug me out of Shady Pines Rehab, out of the comfort of my own room was awakening. It was enough to stop the madness of going down. Enough!!!!

Over life, over a man, over a dream never lived. I let it all offend me, and felt extremely sorry for the ways i had been all mean towards people. No one deserved abuse from someone they loved. But got it from me, why?
When Anthony was screaming my name i couldn't hear him.
Let him tell it, i was hopeless, but he probably would never say "I'm wrong, I should have loved you better." i can remember after release him and the fat ass black nurse over her day and night. This lasted a week before again another ambulance another hospital bed. This time, my mother showed.

She was unaware of her daughter being sickly in the first place, "where is she?" she said almost demanding Anthony to spill it all, from what happened to why. "in that room, we have to wait. Nice to see you."

Anthony didn't want to make my mama mad, seems even unconscious i could decipher the whole conversation that was meaningless through the door. The doctor had to stop to ask them to move it to the lobby. Heated, passionate, and terrible.

Seeing  me fall apart was terrible for lots of people. No one that knew me wanted to see such a beautiful, talented, and funny young girl like me fail. Even with my crazy ways, I admit it i was loved. Always was man. Wow.

"why didn't you tell me that she was messed up Anthony." my mother went in. "it was nobody's fu - nobody's business." he said, and had better sense than to argue with his wife's mother. My mom. Hmm, ok then.

"its my business if it's my child. No. See you a damn lie." my mother had anger no doubt for her only child, no matter what i did though she loved me no matter what I fucked around and wrecklessly but honestly not meaning to and did she would be there. It was never my mother's fault that i was raped, or abused mentally, or even had a addictive personality. Whose is it anyway?

My mother tried, the best she knew how. I had to see it for myself. Vision the joys of respect, honor, and sacrifices. Ones, my family had made for me countless times in my life.

I had to grasp it. Love was inside of me, not the what, who, when, or where not now anyway. Later i would discover herself. From all of this.

Anthony and my mother faced off but nobody asked the real question who would take care of me when i am released. "I'm sorry you have to see her like this, I've been going thru this a while, with Amber I never know what's going on." he said.

"well you know your wife, you know who you married." she argued. "look I just want what's best for her too. Maybe I don't know what that is anymore." it was a plea he rendered to her. My mom was buying it all.

My mother relaxed, his cool effect worked, not that he hoped for a pity reaction. Everyone needed seriously to calm down tho, Anthony was smart to know that he couldn't win battles like that. Not with the one woman who swore she invented the game.

Especially not today, why pick such a fine day as this one was. It might have been a tiresome time, but no reason to ever throw gasoline on a fire burning, no matter how small, or big the flame. "baby, maybe none of us know; you know what it's ok if you don't know. Sometimes." just like a mother her wisdom spoke.

Able to bury all the feelings, they decided to let me rest, and give or take a couple of days go back there. My mother showed first. Walked right into a note hanging on the wall, cut like "the Spidey" had been there, and carved it just for her.

"Amber, get your talented ass up, if you can do all this I know damn well you can get your ass up." my mom had a high pitched voice. Picture Patti LaBelle excited. "Mama, get ooout and yes I'm fine. Really, really fine." impulsive like a jack rabbit. My mother was not having a pity party margarita mix down.

"I know you got it, you may as well better." my mother said to me swinging and flinging laundry, and sheets. "mom you don't understand."  i mumbles. "I don't want to hear this from you. You are my child, you are stronger than this. I know you."

My mom knew i was not feeling my best. Nothing prepared subtle moments to die. Neither did they reward it. Just as simple as a train wreckage without the cargo in it. Maybe.

Earth is still sitting at its own axle, at the dawn of break. I would be gone. Telling no one where, but with a solid plan. "I'm fine see." i got up against the medicines will, and my body's too. I knew it was the only way to be left alone now.

"gooood, that's my guuurl!" my mom shouted. And i being a real entertainer shouted back the same nuisance of enthusiasm.

About to show them all. I didn't need them. My friend here was twice the Bitch scorn she was still she gave hope. And inspired me to get the fuck out of there. I said, what about the nurse, and my friend said, she would take care of it.

They believed in me, after hearing me sing just in this place. They saw what everyone else with their games, problems, and bull shit did to me. Made me resisting to life. They saw a woman who had given up, with immense talents still bearing fruit.

They saw a way to help me get out also. A star was supposed to shine. It was Bridget, and me along with the chick that i wouldn't have expected to help but took notice.... A place for crazy people with no balance, most of them without family. We clicked. If not so i would not have made it through this life. I escaped the place.

I ain't never ever going back there. I couldn't if everything broke me down into little pieces. I didn't belong there.

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