27. Press, Press, Press

Start from the beginning

"Really, how come?" the interviewer asked.

"Everyone kind of knew me from the first movie that I ever did, which was Spy Kids. So, no matter what class I was in or even during lunch people would ask for a picture or autograph. It was kind of weird. And on top of it, you never know who's your real friend and who has an ulterior motive. But either than that, I had a pretty good high school experience," I tried to sound as cheerful as I could.

Speaking to the media means that you have to make sure that you are saying the right things at the right times. They can take any sentence or few words that you speak and twist it to be something that you don't mean. In other words, you have to be very cautious and picky about your word choice around the cameras.

"I think that all of our characters somehow connect to us on a personal level. I mean, my high school experience was nothing compared to Zara's. I mean, though it seems great to have everything that we do have, it has it's downside when you're a kid, and going through that awkward phase. For me, my high school experience was honestly, just okay. I had a small friend group-similar to Michelle, and I was very intellectual," said Zendaya.

"Did you guys have homecomings? And did you go?"

"Mine was pretty crappy. It was really awkward and people stood in clumps the whole time because everyone felt so awkward," said Laura, making hand gestures as she spoke.

"I didn't go, but we did have a homecoming," said Zendaya.

"Same, I remember there being one, but no one really made a fuss about it," said Jacob, Tony agreeing to Jacob's answer.

Tom answered next, "We actually don't have homecomings. We call it prom. And we basically just do the same thing."

"Same. We dress up formally and dance," I added.

"Homecomings and proms, huh?" said the interviewer. "So, one question completely out of the blue. In high school or elementary school, whenever it was, did you ever have a celebrity crush? And who?

"Definitely. Andrew Garfield," I said, quicker than I thought. Before I knew it, my mind was speaking for itself. 

The five other cast members laughed and turned their heads towards me.

"That was a little quick," said Tom, who was smiling, but the tone of his voice sounded a little different.

"I'm not kidding! I was head over heels about him many years ago," I said, being as honest as I could. Spider-Man was the first superhero movie that I watched. I was about 11 at the time and I was watching The Amazing Spider-Man. And after the movie, I walked out of the theatre with the biggest crush on Andrew Garfield.

"I'm pretty sure my first celebrity crush was Zac Efron," said Zendaya.

"Me too!" Laura exclaimed, the two of began to reminisce about how they became obsessed with Zac, whilst the rest of us listened.

The boys all pretty much agreed on Jennifer Aniston.

Since it was basically a panel, we had quite a bit of time. The interviewer pulled out a printed copy of the photo that I posted of Zac Efron and I. "Well, Zara, you posted a picture of yourself and Zac together. What was that like?"

I laughed, "It was great. I mean, he really was amazing and kind, and extremely hilarious. My inner ten-year-old was just fangirling. I mean, he's Troy Bolton. My younger self only dreamed of meeting him, so I really owed it to myself to be a fangirl," from the corner of my eye, I noticed that Tom was looking away and seemed a little bit bothered.

He didn't dare to make any eye contact with me and barely glanced at the photo.

Is he jealous?

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