"let's go before it gets dark." namjoon said, grabbing a flashlight just in case. 

the group of five walked down around the house and to where the woodlands began, a small man made trail guiding them for the most part.

"taehyung stumbled upon it when he was a kid, so it shouldn't be too hard to find. just follow the trail." hoseok said. the group nodded, jimin following behind hoseok and yoongi, but walking in front of namjoon and seokjin. 

the boys followed the trail, until the seemingly endless group of trees appeared to thin out. as they continued walking, they heard running water, and saw the start of the clearing. hoseok and yoongi stepped into the clearing first, followed by namjoon and seokjn. it was a beautiful sight; there was a small river running along the clearing, a fallen tree over the river acting like some sort of bridge, a few large rocks and tree stumps, and pebbles all around. it looked like the set of a movie. 

the one thing jimin noticed, however, was a certain boy perched on top of the fallen tree, cross-legged and throwing pebbles into the river. there were a few butterflies flying around, and the beauty of the entire scene caught jimin by some weird form of surprise. 

"taehyung!" hoseok yelled out. taehyung looked up, startled, but smiled when he saw the group of boys. his smile only lasted a few seconds, though, as he got up from the log, walked along it and hopped down onto the forest floor.

"i thought i said not to follow me." taehyung raised an eyebrow. before he could say anything, hoseok engulfed him in a hug. the younger laughed, patting hoseok's back as that was all he could do.

"i was worried about you." hoseok whispered into the boy's shirt.

"why? didn't you get my letter?" taehyung looked over to jimin now. jimin smiled slightly before scratching the back of his neck.

"uh.. not until this morning.. jungkook kind of hid it from me." jimin cringed at how horrible that sounded aloud. the blonde's facial expression dropped.

"oh, well sorry for worrying you." taehyung breathed. yoongi broke the rising tension by letting out a content sigh.

"this place is beautiful, tae." he smiled as he looked around. hoseok finally removed himself from the blonde.

"yeah, that's why i came here. alone." taehyung laughed. hoseok scoffed playfully.

"you know we wouldn't just let you fuck off without us, hoe." hoseok playfully hit the younger's arm, who laughed in response.

"i had a lot of thinking to do." taehyung shrugged.

for the rest of the hour, the boys just caught up on mindless things, chucking a few rocks into the river and telling weird and random childhood stories. it was one of those random bonding experiences that brought them all closer together as a group. that was, until jungkook called.

"where the fuck are you?" jungkook huffed. apparently he had called five times, but jimin's reception wasn't too good in the forest so he wasn't aware. 

"i'm in daegu. we'll talk later." jimin sighed. he didn't want to face jungkook and his judgement right now.

"what the hell? why? you said you'd see me later, why did you lie?" jimin could hear the irritation in jungkook's voice.

"why did you hide tae's letter from me?" jimin asked. he heard complete silence on the other end of the line. "look, i'll talk to you when i get back." jimin said before immediately hanging up. he got back to his friends, who were all getting ready to head back to the house.

"we have a big basement we could all sleep in, there's a few spare blankets and pillows in the house. my mom would love to meet you all." taehyung said. all the boys nodded together in sync.

"we have a shit ton of blankets in the back of joonie's truck too." seokjin smiled. taehyung cooed at the nickname, before everyone went and retrieved the blankets from the truck.

"i can't wait for you guys to meet my mom." taehyung smiled as he lead everyone in the house.


ok i decided to split this chapter into two because it would have over 3000 words and i wanna stick to my 1500 word average

i'm gonna update again tomorrow (its 2am now, and i'm gonna update once i wake up, so it's only like 8/9hrs) and the second half of this chapter is the juicy bit

i cant wait to write the next chapter, the story is falling together nicely :))))

also idk how many chapters are left of this, we're getting close to the end of this part of the book and some things are gonna happen but i wanna expand on the characters' backgrounds and really get into the group's friendship and stuff. also, if you thought you saw the last of junho, you haven't ;)

hope you all have/had a splendid day!<3


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