I've never been that. You know that. I'm not ungrateful for a damn thing. Not one thing. Stop thinking with the dumb part.

I don't know shit. I know security and protection turned into my worst nightmare. Believing in you wasn't enough. What the fuck you want? What the fuck else do you want from me Amber.

Bry was pacing the floor hands on head and looking out the window standing by the terrace. Amber, just stood in one place scared to move, not scared of him. Just the situation. He was mad.
Commonly enough people cheat. But, Bry knew better than to choose Hub's girl. Like Anthony should have never tried to score Amber in Paris. Both of them were doing dirt differently.

Security! Amber shouted. Throwing an already broken vase against the wall, just nearly hitting him. Her aim was good.
You call peeking on me all over the house security. Answer this Bry, do you watch me shit too? Do you. Do you. Hunh. You quiet now wow. You ain't about shit, not 1 dime you put here count.

I ain't shit, about to be upside your head cause for the love of God I don't understand why you talking to your ex husband in the first place. Here... Learn how a real nigga get down tho it's dead to me

I didn't ask you to understand.
None of this was to hurt you. It just happened. You know about it all. Do what you feel. You don't know me anyways.

Maybe you better off without me baby, you know I'll make sure you good no matter what. That is mines right here. I don't give one damn. Look at me Amber, not one damn. Breezy life.

Bry laughed at his own joke. He was close to doing it. Felt it.

But, what if it's not? Amber pleaded.

Bry gave her a serious deadly look. Ok, play with me Amber. Real talk. Fuck Miles, Cai, and what's that other bum nigga name....

Amber just out of the blue turned from defensive to crying. Bry, saw her and hated to see her cry to though.

Pulling her close to him. Against his own mind of not wanting to be near her right now. A bond with her he definitely had no denying this.

He whispered in her ear. I prayed for you, and I don't get tired from putting in my work. Smack on her ass. He kissed her.

I know, Bry.. Amber Whimpered silent but clear... I know.

Bry, still whispering stroked her head and said they all on me out here. You gone fuck around and risk it all 4 who? Which bum?

Nobody. Amber moaned. Noticing he was holding her hair a little tighter.

He wasn't finished, by her hair he turned her around to face him, and looking her deeply in her eyes searching for a lie, just one more.

She showed him no signs of lying though. Starting to kiss her now and she was ready, hot for him man handling in a good way. Some couldn't understand this. That's why they lost. His sex with her was so good, even through the distance between them often his seed was planted, growing, and making her beautiful daily.

Bry, knew no one else would love her because he did. His emotions were moved by the littlest thing she did. Never mind the big. Amber didnt have to do much. He wanted her from day 1. Just to unstable at times for her to handle. She could but would truly hurt him. Amber didn't come to play, just carry & squeeze.

He spread her out standing right where they were, the door inside of that room they utilized now blocked.

You missed this dick. Amber look at him. He pulled her hair back. Until she begged I love yous only he could hear.

If there were a neighbor close they would hear her and amongst all going on Bry ignored it all. For a taste. Right now, the moment of intensity made it good. He'd soon be gone. Trip was over.

You ripe right now too. Open up. Hmm.. He kissed, licked, tugged, and lightly bit. Rubbing, caressing, touching, and kissing her.

She received him back into her body he pressed harder and harder not to hurt to penetrate her mind and body more than ever, she squirmed squirted exhaling squirt splash again.

Putting it down was something he was good at. Making love to woman until she didn't know her name. Amber would know her name. When he was done. She would see and believe that She is a boss. He'll show her the King is him he chose her to be.

Women were not his reason for slowing down, but with Amber He was ready. Not to change making his money but taken.

Feelings didn't occur to him until he was beating her ass, or saw her under any other man. Sexing her now, biting his lip thinking about it all. His hands went towards her neck until he saw,

Amber turning purple hitting the side of his body. Only turned him on. Bry snapped out of the trance he fell in.

She strained to talk. He let go. Sorry.. He said, to Amber who tears running down was pure to her. It felt good with intensity
The most love she had ever had. Or maybe just wetness from that ill and long much needed former dry spell. No dick said drought

Bry, the most prominent; a famous producers son. A game boy, shooter, and big fan of her, Amber. But she feared not being able to live up to being what he wanted and needed. She got tired quicker than a low life in a one night era.

She cried, her juice, water everywhere. All over him, she skeeted. Couldn't help it; he hit it. She kept doing it. He kept telling her too
Bry was quick to dismiss hoes for her.
Amber had a real and abrasive effect. Still fucking up.

The same thing She feared that once was present in her father, gave every name for Bry. He didn't a give a damn.
Amber was lost in this cold world.

Bry didnt think about what she felt. He tried and in his own way he knew already what she needed. Amber didnt listen to anyone. She would now. That's Bry, thinking with his fist.

Amber took the dick he gave her, it was good. She wanted it. Not the hell that often now came with it. His love.

You make me do crazy shit to you, man for real, you ain't seeing it either.
Bry, said. He demanded her attention.

It wasnt enough. She couldn't make,it be either. There was other times she wanted to scream. Other times run away, only to return probably begging for him to take her back. It wasn't an option to be that stupid. Not to her.

Love me or don't Bry, that's all I'm saying at this point. Amber whimpers.

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