Chapter 18: Kidnapped

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"Uh, The Jedi have disarmed your bombs." The Droid replied.

"What?!" D'Nar yelled as he threw Obi-Wan to the ground.

D'Nar snatched the detonator from the Tactical Droid's hand and went to the window, D'Nar clicked the detonator, but nothing exploded. D'Nar kept clicking the detonator over and over, but nothing happened. Then Obi-Wan stood up from the ground, and looked at the desk to his lightsaber. Obi-Wan used the force to call his lightsaber to him, then he looked at D'Nar.

"Well, shall we discuss your surrender? Again?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I still have one more bomb left, Jedi." D'Nar said as he clicked a button on the back of his Tactical Droid.

"Sir, how could you?" The Droid cried.

D'Nar pushed the Tactical Droid on Obi-Wan as D'Nar got on the elevator, and escaped the office. Obi-Wan used the force to push the droid the window, then the droid exploded outside in mid air. While Anakin, and the Padawans were heading back to the city center, they saw the explosion at the Governor's tower. Then Anakin's comlink was beeping, Anakin answered it immediately.

"Anakin, D'Nar is making his escape from the tower." Obi-Wan said.

"On our way!" Anakin replied.

"We'll never catch him in time." Ahsoka said.

"I am not letting that slaver scum get away!" Anakin growled.

Anakin and the Padawans chased the fleeing Zygerrian to his ship, and managed to leap on board. They disabled one of the ship's engines, slowing the escape, and entered via the cargo bay, but in turn, D'Nar released his Blixus on the three Jedi. While Anakin engaged the blixus, Ahsoka and Darrel sneaked on to the bridge to stabalise the ship. D'Nar noticed that the Padawans were on the bridge, he pulled out a Zygerrian Electro-Whip. D'Nar ignited it and laughed at the Padawans.

"Young Jedi, you'll both learn your place." D'Nar taunted.

Ahsoka and Darrel ignited their lightsabers and stood in a defense position.

"We're not so young anymore." Ahsoka replied.

Darrel charged at D'Nar, but the Zygerrian used his Electro-Whip to hit Darrel. Darrel groaned in pain, but he cut D'Nar's whip hilt with his lightsaber, disarming D'Nar. Then Ahsoka pushed D'Nar to the front of the cockpit, pinning him down with her lightsabers

"Gotcha." Ahsoka said.

"You failed, Zygerrian." Darrel said.

Then Anakin came up to the cockpit to see that the Padawans were successful on capturing the Zygerrian.

"Mission accomplished, Master." Ahsoka said.

Ahsoka and Darrel shut off their lightsabers as Anakin came towards D'Nar.

"Where are the colonists?" Anakin asked D'Nar.

"I will tell you nothing." D'Nar said as he spit on Anakin.

Anakin got very annoyed, he grabbed D'Nar by the collar and placed his lightsaber on D'Nar's neck.

"Where are they?!" Anakin growled.

"Master, don't." Ahsoka said.

Anakin calmed down and released D'Nar.

"My Queen is going to bring back the royal slave auction, as in the days before the Jedi. Zygerria will be rich and powerful again. The Jedi will not stop us this time." D'Nar said.

"We'll see about that." Anakin replied.

Later, back on Coruscant, Anakin, Obi-Wan, the Padawans, and Admiral Yuleran appeared in front of Jedi High Council via. They were to give a report about the situation on Kiros.

"General Skywalker, I ran the bio-scan twice, but the results were negative." Yuleran said.

"Are you saying the colonists are not in the city?" Anakin asked.

"I'm saying they're not even on the planet. The entire population appears to have simply vanished." Yuleran replied.

"Vanished? That's impossible. Those are my people." Ahsoka said.

"Troubling is the return of the Zygerrians." Yoda said.

"It is likely they mean to use Dooku to rebuild their slaver empire." Plo Koon said.

"We cannot allow that, Master." Anakin replied.

"Agree I do, but first find the colonists you must. In great danger, they are." Yoda said.

"We have to go to Zygerria to find the colonists, Master Yoda." Darrel said.

"Sense I do a darker hand in this mystery. Slavery, a great tool it is for the rise of the Sith. Go to Zygerria, you must." Yoda said.

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